Man pages for MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/pestim
Population Estimations Using Mobile Phone Data

alphaPriorGenerate prior distributions for parameters of the Dirichlet...
dgDensity function of a candidate distribution in the...
dlambdaPosterior density function of the lambda parameter.
duvlambdaPosterior density function of the parameters u, v, and...
flambdaList of priors for the parameter lambda for the dataset...
fuList of priors for the parameter u for the dataset 'MobPop'.
fvList of priors for the parameter v for the dataset 'MobPop'.
genAlphaGenerate values for the parameters of the Dirichlet...
genUVGeneration of two-dimensional random deviates.
genUVLambdaGeneration of three-dimensional random deviates.
kummerConfluent hypergeometric or Kummer function
MobPopDataset with simulated data for population counts.
ModeUtility function used throughout the package.
modeLambdaMode of the posterior density function of the lambda...
modelCheckIndIndicators for model checking.
nMNO_iniCounts of individuals for the initial time period detected by...
nRegPopulation counts for the initial time period according to...
pestimpestim: a hierarchical model to estimate population counts...
PhiThe product of ratioBeta and Kummer functions
pkummerConfluent hypergeometric or Kummer function
postN0Posterior mean, median, and mode for the number of...
postNtPosterior mean, median, and mode for the number of...
postNtcondN0Posterior mean, median, and mode for the number of...
ratioBetaThe ratio of two beta functions.
rgGeneration of random deviates of the candidate distribution.
rlambdaGeneration of random deviates of the posterior distribution...
rmatProbGenerate matrices of transition probabilities
rN0Generation of random deviates of the posterior distribution...
rNMNOGenerate random deviates of the number of individuals...
rNMNOrepGeneration random deviates of the replicated number of...
rNtGeneration of random deviates of the posterior distribution...
rNtcondN0Conditioned generation of random deviates of the posterior...
rpGenerate random vector deviates of transition probabilities.
ruvlambdaGeneration of random deviates of the posterior distribution...
triangThe Triangular Distribution.
MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/pestim documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:44 p.m.