  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = TRUE,
  cache = FALSE

modleR is a workflow based on package dismo [@hijmans_dismo_2017], designed to automatize some of the common steps when performing ecological niche models. Given the occurrence records and a set of environmental predictors, it prepares the data by cleaning for duplicates, removing occurrences with no environmental information and applying some geographic and environmental filters. It executes crossvalidation or bootstrap procedures, then it performs ecological niche models using several algorithms, some of which are already implemented in the dismo package, and others come from other packages in the R environment, such as glm, Support Vector Machines and Random Forests.


Andrea Sánchez-Tapia, Sara Ribeiro Mortara, Diogo Souza Bezerra Rocha, Felipe Sodré Mendes Barros, Guilherme Gall, Marinez Ferreira de Siqueira. modleR: a modular workflow to perform ecological niche modeling in R.


Currently modleR can be installed from GitHub:

# Without vignette
remotes::install_github("Model-R/modleR", build = TRUE)
# With vignette
                        build = TRUE,
                        dependencies = TRUE,
                        build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"),
                        build_vignettes = TRUE)

Note regarding vignette building: the default parameters in build_opts include --no-build-vignettes. In theory, removing this will include the vignette on the installation but we have found that build_vignettes = TRUE is also necessary. During installation, R may ask to install or update some packages. If any of these return an error you can install them apart by running install.packages() and retry. When building the vignette, package rJava and a JDK will be needed. Also, make sure that the maxent.jar file is available and in the java folder of package dismo. Please download it here. Vignette building may take a while during installation.

Packages kuenm and maxnet should be installed from GitHub:


The workflow

The workflow consists of mainly four functions that should be used sequentially.

if (!interactive()) knitr::include_graphics("fig01_workflow.jpg", dpi = 150)
  1. Setup: setup_sdmdata() prepares and cleans the data, samples the pseudoabsences, and organizes the experimental design (bootstrap, crossvalidation or repeated crossvalidation). It creates a metadata file with details for the current round and a sdmdata file with the data used for modeling
  2. Model fitting and projecting: do_any() makes the ENM for one algorithm and partition; optionally, do_many() calls do_any() to fit multiple algorithms
  3. Partition joining: final_model() joins the partition models into a model per species per algorithm
  4. Ensemble: ensemble_model() joins the different models per algorithm into an ensemble model (algorithmic consensus) using several methods.

Folder structure created by this package

modleR writes the outputs in the hard disk, according to the following folder structure:

├── projection1
│   ├── data_setup
│   ├── partitions
│   ├── final_models
│   └── ensemble_models
└── projection2
    ├── data_setup
    ├── partitions
    ├── final_models
    └── ensemble_models

The example dataset

modleR comes with example data, a list called example_occs with occurrence data for four species, and predictor variables called example_vars.

species <- names(example_occs)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(2, 2, 3, 1))
for (i in 1:length(example_occs)) {
       legend = FALSE,
       main = species[i],
       col = c("white", "#00A08A"))
  points(lat ~ lon, data = example_occs[[i]], pch = 19)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

We will filter the example_occs file to select only the data for the first species:

occs <- example_occs[[1]]

Cleaning and setting up the data: setup_sdmdata()

The first step of the workflow is to setup the data, that is, to partition it according to each project needs, to sample background pseudoabsences and to apply some data cleaning procedures, as well as some filters. This is done by function setup_sdmdata()

setup_sdmdata() has a large number of parameters:


There are a couple options for data cleaning:

The function also sets up different experimental designs:

Pseudoabsence sampling is performed by function has also some options:

Pseudoabsence points will be sampled (using dismo::randomPoints()) within the buffer and outside the environmental filter, in order to control for the area accessible to the species (M in the BAM diagram).

test_folder <- "~/modleR_test"
sdmdata_1sp <- setup_sdmdata(species_name = species[1],
                             occurrences = occs,
                             predictors = example_vars,
                             models_dir = test_folder,
                             partition_type = "crossvalidation",
                             cv_partitions = 5,
                             cv_n = 1,
                             seed = 512,
                             buffer_type = "mean",
                             png_sdmdata = TRUE,
                             n_back = 500,
                             clean_dupl = TRUE,
                             clean_uni = TRUE,
                             clean_nas = TRUE,
                             geo_filt = FALSE,
                             geo_filt_dist = 10,
                             select_variables = TRUE,
                             sample_proportion = 0.5,
                             cutoff = 0.7)

Fitting a model per partition: do_any() and do_many()

Functions do_any() and do_many() create a model per partition, per algorithm. The difference between these functions that do_any() performs modeling for one individual algorithm at a time, that can be chosen by using parameter algorithm, while do_many() can select multiple algorithms, with TRUE or FALSE statements (just as BIOMOD2 functions do).

The available algorithms are:

Details for the implementation of each model can be accessed in the documentation of the function.

Here you can see the differences between the parameters of both functions. do_many() calls several instances of do_any() Sometimes you may only want to call do_many() but for better control and parallelization by algorithm it may be better to call do_any() individually.


Calling do_many() and setting bioclim = TRUE is therefore equivalent to call do_any() and set algorithm = "bioclim".

sp_maxnet <- do_any(species_name = species[1],
                    algorithm = "maxnet",
                    predictors = example_vars,
                    models_dir = test_folder,
                    png_partitions = TRUE,
                    write_bin_cut = FALSE,
                    equalize = TRUE,
                    write_rda = TRUE)

The resulting object is a table with the performance metrics, but the actual output is written on disk


The following lines call for bioclim, GLM, random forests, BRT, svme (from package e1071), and smvk (from package kernlab)

many <- do_many(species_name = species[1],
                predictors = example_vars,
                models_dir = test_folder,
                png_partitions = TRUE,
                write_bin_cut = FALSE,
                write_rda = TRUE,
                bioclim = TRUE,
                domain = FALSE,
                glm = TRUE,
                svmk = TRUE,
                svme = TRUE,
                maxent = FALSE,
                maxnet = TRUE,
                rf = TRUE,
                mahal = FALSE,
                brt = TRUE,
                equalize = TRUE)

In addition:

At the end of a modeling round, the partition folder containts:

Joining partitions: final_model()

There are many ways to create a final model per algorithm per species. final_model() follows the following logic:

if (!interactive()) knitr::include_graphics("fig05_finalmodel.png", dpi = 150)
final_model(species_name = species[1],
            algorithms = NULL, #if null it will take all the algorithms in disk
            models_dir = test_folder,
            which_models = c("raw_mean",
            consensus_level = 0.5,
            uncertainty = TRUE,
            overwrite = TRUE)

final_model() creates a .tif file for each final.model (one per algorithm) under the specified folder (default: final_models)

The raw_mean final models for each algorithm are these:

final.folder <- list.files(test_folder,
                           recursive = TRUE,
                           pattern = "final_models",
                           include.dirs = TRUE,
                           full.names = TRUE)
final_mods <- list.files(final.folder,
                         full.names = TRUE,
                         pattern = "raw_mean.+tif$",
                         recursive = TRUE)

final_models <- raster::stack(final_mods)

names(final_models) <- sapply(strsplit(names(final_models),
                                       paste0(species[1], '_')),
                              function(x) x[2])

Algorithmic consensus with ensemble_model()

The fourth step of the workflow is joining the models for each algorithm into a final ensemble model. ensemble_model() calculates the mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the final models and saves them under the folder specified by ensemble_dir. It can also create these models by a consensus rule (what proportion of final models predict a presence in each pixel, 0.5 is a majority rule, 0.3 would be 30% of the models).

ensemble_model() uses a which_final parameter -analog to which_model in final_model() to specify which final model(s) (Figure 2) should be assembled together (the default is a mean of the raw continuous models: which_final = c("raw_mean")).

ens <- ensemble_model(species_name = species[1],
                      occurrences = occs,
                      performance_metric = "pROC",
                      which_ensemble = c("average",
                      consensus_level = 0.5,
                      which_final = "raw_mean",
                      models_dir = test_folder,
                      overwrite = TRUE) #argument from writeRaster

Workflows with multiple species

Our example_occs dataset has data for four species. An option to do the several models is to use a for loop


for (i in 1:length(example_occs)) {
  sp <- species[i]
  occs <- example_occs[[i]]
  setup_sdmdata(species_name = sp,
                models_dir = "~/modleR_test/forlooptest",
                occurrences = occs,
                predictors = example_vars,
                buffer_type = "distance",
                dist_buf = 4,
                write_buffer = TRUE,
                clean_dupl = TRUE,
                clean_nas = TRUE,
                clean_uni = TRUE,
                png_sdmdata = TRUE,
                n_back = 1000,
                partition_type = "bootstrap",
                boot_n = 5,
                boot_proportion = 0.7

for (i in 1:length(example_occs)) {
  sp <- species[i]
  do_many(species_name = sp,
          predictors = example_vars,
          models_dir = "~/modleR_test/forlooptest",
          png_partitions = TRUE,
          bioclim = TRUE,
          maxnet = FALSE,
          rf = TRUE,
          svmk = TRUE,
          svme = TRUE,
          brt = TRUE,
          glm = TRUE,
          domain = FALSE,
          mahal = FALSE,
          equalize = TRUE,
          write_bin_cut = TRUE)

for (i in 1:length(example_occs)) {
  sp <- species[i]
  final_model(species_name = sp,
              consensus_level = 0.5,
              models_dir = "~/modleR_test/forlooptest",
              which_models = c("raw_mean",
              uncertainty = TRUE,
              overwrite = TRUE)

for (i in 1:length(example_occs)) {
  sp <- species[i]
  occs <- example_occs[[i]]
  ensemble_model(species_name = sp,
                 occurrences = occs,
                 which_final = "bin_consensus",
                 png_ensemble = TRUE,
                 models_dir = "~/modleR_test/forlooptest")

Another option is to use the purrr package [@henry_purrr_2017].


example_occs %>% purrr::map2(.x = .,
                             .y = as.list(names(.)),
                             ~ setup_sdmdata(species_name = .y,
                                             occurrences = .x,
                                             partition_type = "bootstrap",
                                             boot_n = 5,
                                             boot_proportion = 0.7,
                                             clean_nas = TRUE,
                                             clean_dupl = TRUE,
                                             clean_uni = TRUE,
                                             buffer_type = "distance",
                                             dist_buf = 4,
                                             predictors = example_vars,
                                             models_dir = "~/modleR_test/temp_purrr",
                                             n_back = 1000))

species %>%
  as.list(.) %>%
  purrr::map(~ do_many(species_name = .,
                       predictors = example_vars,
                       models_dir = "~/modleR_test/temp_purrr",
                       bioclim = TRUE,
                       maxnet = FALSE,
                       rf = TRUE,
                       svme = TRUE,
                       svmk = TRUE,
                       domain = FALSE,
                       glm = TRUE,
                       mahal = FALSE,
                       brt = TRUE,
                       equalize = TRUE))
species %>%
  as.list(.) %>%
  purrr::map(~ final_model(species_name = .,
                           consensus_level = 0.5,
                           models_dir =  "~/modleR_test/temp_purrr",
                           which_models = c("raw_mean",
                           overwrite = TRUE))
example_occs %>% purrr::map2(.x = .,
                             .y = as.list(names(.)),
                             ~ ensemble_model(species_name = .y,
                                              occurrences = .x,
                                              which_final = "raw_mean",
                                              png_ensemble = TRUE,
                                              models_dir = "~/modleR_test/temp_purrr",
                                              overwrite = TRUE))

These workflows can also be paralellized by species or species algorithms


Model-R/modleR documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 6:50 p.m.