Man pages for ModelOriented/DALEXtra
Extension for 'DALEX' Package

champion_challengerCompare machine learning models
create_envCreate your conda virtual env with DALEX
dalex_load_explainerDALEX load explainer
explain_h2oCreate explainer from your h2o model
explain_kerasWrapper for Python Keras Models
explain_mlrCreate explainer from your mlr model
explain_mlr3Create explainer from your mlr model
explain_scikitlearnWrapper for Python Scikit-Learn Models
explain_tidymodelsCreate explainer from your tidymodels workflow.
explain_xgboostCreate explainer from your xgboost model
funnel_measureCaluculate difference in performance in models across...
model_infoExract info from model
overall_comparisonCompare champion with challengers globally
plot.funnel_measureFunnel plot for difference in measures
plot.overall_comparisonPlot function for overall_comparison
plot.trainig_test_comparisonPlot and compare performance of model between training and...
predict_surrogateInstance Level Surrogate Models
print.funnel_measurePrint funnel_measure object
print.overall_comparisonPrint overall_comparison object
print.scikitlearn_setPrints scikitlearn_set class
print.training_test_comparisonPrint funnel_measure object
trainig_test_comparisonCompare performance of model between training and test set
yhatWrapper over the predict function
ModelOriented/DALEXtra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 5:01 p.m.