Man pages for ModelOriented/rSAFE
Surrogate-Assisted Feature Extraction

apartmentsApartments data
HR_dataWhy are our best and most experienced employees leaving...
plot.safe_extractorPlotting Transformations of the SAFE Extractor Object
print.safe_extractorPrinting Summary of the SAFE Extractor Object
rSAFE-packagerSAFE: Surrogate-Assisted Feature Extraction
safe_extractionCreating SAFE Extractor - an Object Used for...
safely_detect_changepointsIdentifying Changes in a Series Using PELT Algorithm
safely_detect_interactionsDetecting Interactions via Permutation Approach
safely_select_variablesPerforming Feature Selection on the Dataset with Transformed...
safely_transform_categoricalCalculating a Transformation of Categorical Feature Using...
safely_transform_continuousCalculating a Transformation of a Continuous Feature Using...
safely_transform_dataPerforming Transformations on All Features in the Dataset
ModelOriented/rSAFE documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 2:54 a.m.