HR_data: Why are our best and most experienced employees leaving...

HR_dataR Documentation

Why are our best and most experienced employees leaving prematurely?


A dataset from Kaggle competition Human Resources Analytics.


A data frame with 14999 rows and 10 variables


  • satisfaction_level Level of satisfaction (0-1)

  • last_evaluation Time since last performance evaluation (in Years)

  • number_project Number of projects completed while at work

  • average_monthly_hours Average monthly hours at workplace

  • time_spend_company Number of years spent in the company

  • work_accident Whether the employee had a workplace accident

  • left Whether the employee left the workplace or not (1 or 0) Factor

  • promotion_last_5years Whether the employee was promoted in the last five years

  • sales Department in which they work for

  • salary Relative level of salary (high)


Dataset HR-analytics from

ModelOriented/rSAFE documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 2:54 a.m.