
#' covid19dbcand: A data package that contains different datasets extracted 
#' from \strong{DrugBank} xml database.
#' The datasets in `covid19dbcand` is related to 
#' [DrugBank](https://www.drugbank.ca/covid-19#drugs) selected drugs for
#' covid-19
#' The package is a smaller version from 
#' [dbdataset package](https://github.com/MohammedFCIS/dbdataset).
#' It is extracted using [dbparser](https://docs.ropensci.org/dbparser/) 
#' For more information kindly check the
#' reference/index 
#' (https://mohammedfcis.github.io/covid19dbcand/reference/index.html)
#' @docType package
#' @name covid19dbcand
MohammedFCIS/covid19dbcand documentation built on April 14, 2024, 10:28 a.m.