Man pages for MohoWu/ricardor
Collection of plotting functions used in Ricardo projects

distance_by_haversineFunction to calculate distances between two points in metres...
distinct_coloursGenerate n distinct colours
factor_dfConvert all characters to factors in a data frame
ggplot2_coloursExtract colour codes in ggplot2
integrate_areaIntegrate area
plot_calendarggplot2 version of calendar plot
plot_dygraphInteractive time series
plot_leafletConvenience function to quickly plot geometries on a leaflet...
plot_polarPolar scatter plot
plot_scatterScatter plot with plotly
prep_dataPrepare data for scatter plot
projection_wgs84Functions to wrap common projection (PROJ.4) strings.
sp_classFunction to find class of spatial object as a vector with a...
sp_from_data_frameFunction to promoting a data frame to a...
sp_layer_infoFunction to return layer information within a spatial data...
sp_left_joinFunction for point-in-polygon tests.
sp_list_driversFunction to list spatial data file drivers on a system.
sp_list_layersFunction to list layers within a spatial data file.
sp_projectionFunction to return a spatial object's projection system.
sp_readFunction to read spatial data files in a consistent way.
sp_transformConvenience function to transform a spatial object's...
str_to_linkConvert string to HTML link
str_trimTrim white spaces
str_underscoreReplace white space(s)with underscore
var_selectSelect the 'best' variables to include in a linear model
var_shiftShift variables forward or backward by some observations
MohoWu/ricardor documentation built on March 24, 2022, 4:39 p.m.