Selection on correlated genotypes: a simulation study with Arabidopsis thaliana

This repo contains a minimal example of simulations of fitness from a set of seleciton coefficients and a genome matrix, and a re-estimation of those realized selection coefficients using various GWA approaches. I used a subset of biallelic SNPs of a genome matrix of 515 Arabidopsis thaliana natural lines from Exposito-Alonso et al 2018 bioRxiv.

The results are compiled in the gwasandsimulations.pdf document produced with R markdown.

Cite repo as:

Exposito-Alonso, M. (2018). Selection on correlated genotypes: a simulation study with Arabidopsis thaliana.


Note: A similar approach was used in Gompert et al 2017 Molecular Ecology, so we refer to them for a full discussion.

MoisesExpositoAlonso/selectioncorrelatedgenotypes documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:35 a.m.