setwd("Z:/R Script/R Script Obj 3")

library (tidyverse)
library (lubridate)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE) #this stops warnings from displaying in html


The O3/4 Baseline survey commenced in Suva on r start and the most recent survey was completed on r end. The report is divided into two components: house survey and household survey. As per RISE standards/ definitions, a house was a physical, self-contained structure. Within a house, there could be more than one household consenting to the RISE project. For dormitories, each individual dormitory unit completed a house and a household survey.

Each household was approached up to three separate times.


House Survey

A total of r nrow(house.status) houses have been visited at least once, across all 12 settlements. Field workers have completed a total of r sum(house.status$visits) house visits (including all return/repeat visits), for an average of r round((sum(house.status$visits)/nrow(house.status)), digits=1) visit(s) per house. Of the r nrow(house.status) houses, r sum(house.status$home) houses had someone at home, r sum(house.status$vacant) were vacant, r sum(house.status$demolished) were demolished, and r sum(house.status$flooded ) were flooded.

r nrow(house.survey) house surveys have been completed (r round ((nrow(house.survey)/nrow(house.status))*100, digits = 1)% of houses visited).

ggplot (house.survey.comm, aes (x = settlement_barcode, y = house.survey.completed)) +
  geom_bar (stat = "identity") + 
  xlab ("Settlement") + ylab ("# house surveys") +
  theme_minimal () + #remove grey background
  theme (panel.grid = element_blank (),              # No underlying grid lines
         axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0)) +  # rotated x-axis text 
  ggtitle("Fig 1: # of house surveys - by community")  # Number of houses visited in each community

Household Survey

A total of r nrow(hhd.survey) household surveys have been completed across all 12 settlements.

There are r nrow(missing_hhd_survey1) houses missing a household survey.

ggplot (hhd.survey.comm, aes (x = settlement_barcode, y = hhd.survey.completed)) +
  geom_bar (stat = "identity") + 
  xlab ("Settlement") + ylab ("# hhd surveys") +
  theme_minimal () + #remove grey background
  theme (panel.grid = element_blank (),              # No underlying grid lines
         axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0)) +  # rotated x-axis text 
  ggtitle("Fig 1: # of hhd surveys - by community")  # Number of houses visited in each community


The field team collected demographic information on r nrow(people) people, with an average of r round((sum(people.hhd$no_people)/nrow(hhd.survey)), digits = 1) people per household and r round((gender.all.prop[1]*100), digits = 1)% female.

There were r agecat.all[1] children under the age of 5 (r round((agecat.all.prop[1]*100), digits = 1)% of the population surveyed), as of r today()). r round((gender.under5.prop[1]*100), digits = 1)% were girls.


There were r sum(house.refuse$refuse) refusals to the house survey and r sum(hhd.refuse$refusal) refusals to the household survey.

New Consents

r nrow ( new household consents have been obtained and r nrow ( new children have been consented.

There are r nrow (no.hhd.consent) household(s) missing household consent. There are r nrow (no.child.consent) children with no child sampling consent.

Monash-RISE/riseR documentation built on Dec. 11, 2019, 9:49 a.m.