setwd("S:/R-MNHS-SPHPM-EPM-IDEpi/RISE/4. Surveys/3. Objectives/2. ID/3/20191118_T4_annual_survey/2. Data/2. code") 

library (tidyverse)
library (lubridate)
library (tinytex)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE) #this stops warnings from displaying in html

Daily QC/Verification for the Annual Survey - November 2019 (Makassar) - r day.qc

The community(ies) visited today for household surveys were: r settlement.list.hhd. The community(ies) visited today for feces collection were: r settlement.list.feces.

Household Surveys

There were a total of r nrow (subhhd) household surveys initiated today, and r nrow (hhd.complete) were completed. r nrow (survey_child) child health surveys were completed. On average, surveys took r round(mean(survey_time$dur15), digits = 1) minutes to complete (min=r round(min(survey_time$dur15), digits = 1), max=r round(max(survey_time$dur15), digits = 1)) and the Objective 5 questions took r round(mean(o5$dur), digits = 1) minutes to complete (min=r round(min(o5$dur), digits = 1), max=r round(max(o5$dur), digits = 1)).

Feces Kits

There were r nrow (kit_child) child feces kits handed out today. There were r nrow (feces_samples) feces samples collected today.

Verification Errors

Surveys that were not verified by respondents cannot be uploaded to the Monash server.

There were r nrow ( household surveys that did not verify their responses.There were r nrow ( household surveys that did not verify their responses.

Monash-RISE/riseR documentation built on Dec. 11, 2019, 9:49 a.m.