RefDB_data: RefDB object

Description Usage Format Details


Collection of data from Re-referenced Protein Chemical shift Database (RefDB) and their access functions.




A class contains 1557 13C datasets and access functions.



data set of 19 amino acid single-letter naming convention (excluding glycine)


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format with NA removed


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format with NA, glycine and undetermined secondary structure elements removed


data set of all 1557 RefDB IDs

$getData(index = NA, ID = NA, type = "raw")

function that return single dataset, (index or ID, only one is allowed)

  • index. the index of the dataset

  • ID. the RefDB ID number of the dataset

  • type what kind of data will be fetched. "raw": returns raw data; "datatable": return data in data frame format; "rmNA": return data with NA removed; "rmGU: return data with NA, glycine and undetermined secondary structure elements removed

$getFreq(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return amino acid relative cumulative frequency for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)

$getSecStr(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return secondary structure information for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)

$getSequence(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return protein sequence information for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)


the data set contains all the raw data from RefDB

MoseleyBioinformaticsLab/BaMORC documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:07 a.m.