
Interim Handling of Beeper Tags

2018 March 8 Beeper tag support is still not complete. For now, we provide users with a database of pulses extracted from the raw receiver data files. This happens when the tag finder is run with the --pulses_only option, e.g. via a project or receiver parameterOverride. These parameterOverrides are managed by staff at user request.

Format of SERNO_beeper.sqlite

This is an sqlite file, which can be processed in R via the RSQLite or dplyr packages.

The database contains two tables: params records antenna parameter settings, and has this schema:

batchID INTEGER,      -- batchID this setting is from
ts      FLOAT(53),    -- timestamp for this record (seconds since 1 Jan 1970, GMT)
ant     INTEGER,      -- hub port for which device setting applies
param   VARCHAR,      -- parameter name
val     FLOAT(53),    -- parameter setting
error   INTEGER,      -- 0 if parameter setting succeeded; error code otherwise
errinfo VARCHAR       -- non-empty if error code non-zero

and pulses contains detected pulses, and has this schema:

   batchID INTEGER,    -- batchID these pulses belong to
   ts      FLOAT(53),  -- timestamp of pulse (seconds since 1 Jan 1970, GMT)
   ant     INTEGER,    -- antenna number
   antFreq FLOAT(53),  -- antenna tuner frequency (MHz)
   dfreq   FLOAT(53),  -- frequency offset of pulse (kHz)
   sig     FLOAT,      -- relative signal strength (dB max)
   noise   FLOAT       -- relative noise level (dB max)

The params table is mainly useful for verifying that setting and switching of antenna frequency has worked correctly. The frequency settings in params are reflected in the antFreq field of the pulses table.

The ts fields are numeric timestamps. You can convert (or rather bless) these into datetime objects like so:

t = tbl(src_sqlite("SG-5AA7RPI2D99F_beeper.sqlite"), "pulses")
p =
class(p$ts) = class(Sys.time())

which gives:

   batchID                  ts ant antFreq dfreq    sig  noise
1        2 2017-08-06 19:10:52   1 150.169 4.612 -72.71 -76.83
2        2 2017-08-06 19:10:53   1 150.169 4.611 -72.14 -76.30
3        2 2017-08-06 19:10:54   1 150.169 4.612 -72.17 -76.97
4        2 2017-08-06 19:10:55   1 150.169 4.611 -72.46 -76.82
5        2 2017-08-06 19:11:00   1 150.169 4.610 -72.75 -77.07
6        2 2017-08-06 19:11:02   1 150.169 4.608 -73.16 -77.37
7        2 2017-08-06 19:11:07   1 150.169 4.606 -72.35 -76.84
8        2 2017-08-06 19:11:08   1 150.169 4.610 -71.91 -76.51
9        2 2017-08-06 19:25:40   1 150.169 4.726 -70.52 -76.93
10       2 2017-08-06 19:25:41   1 150.169 4.727 -71.69 -76.61

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.