
Software Maintenance for the Motus Data-processing Server

The motus data processing server (hereinafter Server) is written mostly in R to reduce the maintenance burden and increase user transparency of the entire motus system; i.e. the client package and server package are in same language. It uses a fairly small subset of the R language, and only the recommended packages. There is no reason for the client and server target versions of R to be the same; on the server, stability is critical, while on the client side, tracking new upstream features might be given more weight.

The Server runs on debian linux 8.8

Updating the version of R used on the Server



Assuming you really need to update R:

cd /home/sg/src/R-motus
cd /home/sg/src/R-motus
bin/R   ## will run the newly-built version
bin/R -d gdb ## will run the newly-built version with gdb for debugging
cd /home/sg/src/R-motus
sudo make install
install.packages(c('roxygen2', 'digest', 'dbplyr', 'dplyr', 'httr', 'jsonlite', 'lubridate', 'openssl', 'proto', 'RMySQL', 'RSQLite', 'sendmailR', 'stringi', 'XML'))
cd /home/sg/src/motusServer
rpack -g .
## kill running servers gracefully, so that jobs
## will be resumed on restart -g
sleep 320 ## wait a bit over 5 minutes for graceful termination

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.