getGlobalTagsView: get a view of tag detections with the same columns as the...

View source: R/getGlobalTagsView.R

getGlobalTagsViewR Documentation

get a view of tag detections with the same columns as the old-style "global" tags file


get a view of tag detections with the same columns as the old-style "global" tags file





view of full tag detection join, as returned by tagview


a new dplyr::tbl with columns matching those in the original sensorgnome "globaltags" files, and rows ordered by (ts, site, ant)

The columns in that file are:

> names(x) [1] "ant" "ts" "fullID" "freq" "freqsd" "sig" [7] "sigsd" "noise" "runID" "posInRun" "slop" "burstSlop" [13] "antFreq" "depID" "tsOrig" "bootnum" "runLen" "id" [19] "tagProj" "nomFreq" "lat" "lon" "alt" "depYear" [25] "proj" "site" "recv" "sp" "label" "gain" [31] "dbm" > x[1,] ant ts fullID freq freqsd sig sigsd 22510 3 1970-01-01 00:23:15 USask#161@166.38:6.1 4.487 0.0426 -65.4 33.5 noise runID posInRun slop burstSlop antFreq depID tsOrig bootnum 22510 -77.2 59 1 0.00055 0 166.376 1 1395.624 35 runLen id tagProj nomFreq lat lon alt depYear proj site 22510 6 161 USask 166.38 45.09 -64.36944 37.6 2016 USask ReedW recv sp label gain dbm 22510 SG-3214BBBK8680 USask 161 :6.1 @ 166.38 0 -115.4


: various fixups must be made to data returned by this view to match the original columns. These are done by exportGlobalTags.

posInRun <- runningCount(X) where X is the data.frame

proj <- as.factor(proj)

tagProj <- as.factor(tagProj)

site <- as.factor(site)

fullID <- as.factor(fullID)

depYear <- as.integer(substr(depYear, 1, 4))

id <- as.integer(id)

label <-as.factor(paste0("M." + label))

class(ts) <- class(Sys.time())


John Brzustowski

See Also

exportGlobalTags and tagview

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.