getProjectTags: return the tags registered for a project with motus

View source: R/getProjectTags.R

getProjectTagsR Documentation

return the tags registered for a project with motus


The tags are returned as a tbl_df, with some columns given class attributes, and others added for convenience.





integer scalar; motus internal project ID


a dplyr::tbl_df object of tags registered to the given project. This is both a dplyr::tbl and a data.frame, so both data.frame and dplyr methods can be used on it. Each row corresponds to a tag. The timestamp columns are given the class c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"). New columns are added:

  1. id is set to the numeric equivalent of the manufacturer

  2. iid is round(id), which is the unaltered manufacturer ID as an integer (tags might have been registered with digits after the decimal point to distinguish among those with identical ID but different BI )

  3. year is set to the year of registration

  4. iPeriod is the period, rounded to the nearest second.

If no tags are registered for the project, returns NULL.


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.