handleNewFiles: handle a new batch of files

View source: R/handleNewFiles.R

handleNewFilesR Documentation

handle a new batch of files


Called by processServer. Any files in subfolders of the specified job's folder are processed.





the job


TRUE; As a side effect, subjobs for handling various types of known files are queued, like so:

  • any .DTA (Lotek) files are moved into a new temporary directory and queued as a subjob of type "LtFiles"; name collisions are avoided

  • any folder containing a file named "syslog(.[0-9](.gz)?)?" is enqueued as a new subjob of type "logs"

  • any folder containing a file whose name matches ".*tagreg.txt$" is enqueued as a new subjob of type "registerTags"

  • any files that don't look like sensorgnome data files, i.e. that don't have names ending in ".gz" or ".txt.gz", and which aren't shortened names with a tilde ("~") character are moved into a new directory and enqueued as a subjob of type "unknownFiles".

  • any remaining files are assumed to be SG data files, and a subjob of type "SGfiles" is enqueued to process them.


John Brzustowski jbrzusto@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm

See Also


MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.