handleRegisterTags: handle a batch of tag registrations

View source: R/handleRegisterTags.R

handleRegisterTagsR Documentation

handle a batch of tag registrations


Tag registrations are recordings of tag output accompanied by a text file of metadata. This function processes the recordings and pushes the valid ones to motus.org





the job


The job folder must contain a file called tagreg.txt with these lines:

  • motusProjID: XXX (numeric project ID)

  • tagModel: NTQB-??? (as given on the Lotek invoice)

  • nomFreq: 166.38 (nominal tag frequency, in MHz)

  • species: XXXXX (optional 4-letter code or motus numeric species ID)

  • deployDate: YYYY-MM-DD (earliest likely deployment date for any tags)

  • codeSet: X (optional codeset ; default: 4 for "Lotek4"; can also be 3 for "Lotek3")

as well as one or more recording files with names like tagXXX.wav where XXX is the manufacturer's tag ID, typically 1 to 3 digits. When there are recordings of tags with the same ID but different burst intervals, the 2nd, 3rd, and so on such tags are given names like tagXXX.1.wav, tagXXX.2.wav, ...




By default, we assume each tag was recorded at 4 kHz below its nominal frequency; e.g. at 166.376 MHz for a nominal 166.38 MHz tag. If that's not true, the filename should include a portion of the form @XXX.XXX giving the frequency at which it was recorded; e.g. tag134@166.372.wav indicates a tag recorded at 166.372 MHz, rather than the default.

Called by processServer.


John Brzustowski jbrzusto@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm

See Also

processServer, which calls this function.

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.