handleRerunReceiver: re-run data from a receiver

View source: R/handleRerunReceiver.R

handleRerunReceiverR Documentation

re-run data from a receiver


Called by processServer





the job with these items:

  • serno character scalar; the receiver serial number

  • monoBN integer vector of length 2; the range of receiver boot sessions to run; If not specified, then for an SG receiver, all boot sessions are rerun. Ignored for Lotek receivers. If only exporting, then export from the latest deployment record that is not later than monoBN[1].

  • ts real vector of length 1 or 2; the start (and possibly end) timestamp of boot sessions to run. Ignored for an SG. If not specified for a Lotek receiver, exports all data. Otherwise, exports data only in the specified period (if length is 2) or starting at the specified timestamp (if length is 1)

  • exportOnly logical scalar; if TRUE, skip running the tagfinder

  • cleanup logical scalar; if TRUE, delete all hits, runs, batches before re-running. Ignored (and treated as FALSE) if monoBN is specified. i.e. cleanup can only be specified for a full re-run.

  • [optional] paramOverrides; if present, must be a string scalar specifying parameters to the tag finder, which will be appended to any default and registered override values; thus, parameter values specified here will override those from other sources. This item is handled in handleSGfindtags or handleLtFindtags


re-runs the tagfinder for a receiver, possibly limiting the re-run to one or more boot sessions (for SGs).




John Brzustowski jbrzusto@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm

See Also

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.