ltGetCodeset: Return the database of canonical parameters for a Lotek...

View source: R/ltGetCodeset.R

ltGetCodesetR Documentation

Return the database of canonical parameters for a Lotek codeset.


This function returns a dplyr data_frame with the nominal gap values for all Lotek tag IDs in the specified codeset.


ltGetCodeset(codeSet = c("Lotek4", "Lotek3"), pathOnly = FALSE)



character scalar; only "Lotek3" or "Lotek4" are permitted so far.


logical scalar; if TRUE, return only the path to the .sqlite database containing the codeset. Default: FALSE


a dplyr data_frame with these columns:

  • id tag ID

  • g1 gap between 1st, 2nd pulses, in ms

  • g2 gap between 2nd, 3rd pulses, in ms

  • g3 gap between 3rd, 4th pulses, in ms


This function will only work on the server, where we have Lotek's permission to host an encrypted copy of their ID code database. At server boot time, a user with sudo privileges must run a script to decrypt the database into locked system memory, from where it can only be accessed by user "sg" (or, of course, those with sudo privileges). The decrypted versions reside in

/home/sg/ramfs/Lotek4.sqlite and /home/sg/ramfs/Lotek3.sqlite

while the encrypted versions are in /home/sg/lotekdb

The decryption script is in /home/sg/bin/decryptLotekDB.R


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.