motusDeployTag: register a tag deployment with motus

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motusDeployTagR Documentation

register a tag deployment with motus


register a tag deployment with motus


motusDeployTag(tagID, projectID, status = c("pending", "deploy", "terminate"),
  tsStart = NULL, tsEnd = NULL, deferTime = 0, speciesID = NULL,
  markerType = NULL, markerNumber = NULL, lat = NULL, lon = NULL,
  elev = NULL, comments = NULL, properties = NULL,
  ts = as.numeric(Sys.time()))



Unique numeric ID assigned to the tag, provided at the time of tag registration.


numeric ID of motus project for which this tag is being deployed.


Status from one of the possible following values: pending, deploy, terminate. "pending" indicates that the deployment record isn’t ready to be finalized for deployment yet. "deploy" indicates that the deployment can be activated. "terminate" will attempt to finalize a deployment by providing an end date. Note that deployments can only be activated or terminated if all required information has been provided. Attempts to deploy or terminate an incomplete deployment will return an error. At the moment, several of the parameters can no longer be modified once a deployment is activated, and the status cannot be changed back to an earlier status (permitted sequence is pending -> deploy -> terminate, but levels can be omitted).


[optional] Timestamp for start of deployment. If the tag has a deferred time lag (deferTime), this is the time at which the tag is activated, so that the time when the tag is expected to be active is given by tsStart + deferTime.


[optional] Timestamp for end of deployment. Required for status=terminate.


[optional] Defer time (in seconds from tsStart). Some tags are capable of deferred activation - they don't start transmitting until some (possibly large) number of seconds after activation.


[optional] Numeric ID (integer) of the species on which the tag is being deployed. You can obtain this value by using motusListSpecies() to search by name or code. Alternatively, this can be a character scalar giving the species 4-lettercode; e.g. "SESA"


[optional] Type of marker (e.g. "metal band”, "color band”)


[optional] Marker number or descriptor (e.g. "1234-56789” or "L:Red/Blue,R:Metal 1234-56789”)


[optional] Latitude (decimal degrees) of the deployment site. E.g. 45.123.


[optional] Longitude (decimal degrees) of the deployment site. E.g. -60.325.


[optional] Elevation above sea level (meters) of the deployment site. E.g. 23.


[optional] deployment-related comment


[optional] list or vector; additional properties of the deployment or the organism on which the tag is deployed. This will be formatted as a JSON string then inserted into the properties field of the database. FIXME: for now, it goes into the comments field.


[optional] Time at which deployment information was generated. Defaults to time at which function is called.


All timestamps must be in the form returned by Sys.time() and by the ymd(), ymd_hms(),.. functions from the lubridate package. i.e. they are numbers representing seconds elapsed since the start of 1 Jan. 1970, GMT.

For timestamps in the future, this function uses the tsAnticipatedStart parameter to the motus /tags/deploy API. For timestamps in the past, it uses tsStart.


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.