motusQuickRegTag: Quickly register a tag with motus

View source: R/motusQuickRegTag.R

motusQuickRegTagR Documentation

Quickly register a tag with motus


This lets you register a tag with minimal fuss, provided you know the project name or ID, manufacturer's tag ID, and approximate burst interval (to 0.1 s precision). You should also know the dateBin, i.e. the year and quarter the tag was deployed in.


motusQuickRegTag(projectID, mfgID, period, dateBin, codeSet = 4,
  model = NULL, tsStart = NULL, species = NULL, nomFreq = 166.38, ...)



integer scalar; motus internal project ID; Alternatively, a character scalar which is matched against project names, and if a match is found, that is used, with prompting.


character scalar; typically a small integer; return only records for tags with this manufacturer ID (usually printed on the tag). If a duplicate within a given project and season, it should have decimal digits indicating the number of physical marks added to the tag.


numeric scalar; approximate repeat interval of tag transmission, in seconds, to nearest 0.1 s; the precise value is guessed from the tag database


character scalar; quick and dirty approach to keeping track of tags likely to be active at a given time; this records "YYYY-Q" where Q is 1, 2, 3, or 4. Represents the approximate quarter during which the tag is expected to be active. Used in lieu of deployment information when that is not (yet) available.


3 or 4, or their character equivalents. Default is 4.


one of the Lotek model codes. Default is NULL, meaning unknown.


start of deployment, if known.


4-letter code of species, or integer species ID if known


additional parameters to motusDeployTag()


This function uses the official Lotek database to look up tag parameters. It also estimates a precise burst interval as the mean of those burst intervals from previously-registered tags which are within 0.05 s of the one you specify here.

You will be shown the full set of registration parameters and given a chance to cancel the process if they look wrong.


a 3-element numeric vector; the first element is the motus tag ID, and the second element, if not NA, is the motus deployment ID. The third element is the estimated true burst interval, in seconds.


: if both tsStart and species are NULL, then a tag deployment record is not generated for the newly-registered tag.


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.