moveFilesUniquely: Move files to a single folder, renaming new files in cases of...

View source: R/moveFilesUniquely.R

moveFilesUniquelyR Documentation

Move files to a single folder, renaming new files in cases of conflict.


Move files to a single folder, renaming new files in cases of conflict.


moveFilesUniquely(src, dst, copyLinkTargets = FALSE)



character vector of full paths of files to move


path to target folder


logical: if TRUE, when an item in 'src' is a symbolic link, it is replaced with a copy of the target of the link, and it is that copy which is moved to 'dst', rather than just the symlink itself. Default: FALSE (it is the symlink itself which is moved, not the file it points to).


Filenames that conflict with each other or those already in dst are changed like so:

  1. if the filename does not end in -NNN where NNN is an integer, then add -1 to the filename; e.g.

    myfile.txt -> myfile.txt-1

  2. if the filename already ends in -NNN, then increment NNN; e.g.

    myfile.txt-3 -> myfile.txt-4


a character vector of the same length as src, with non-NA entries giving new names for any files that were renamed


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.