newJob: create and enqueue a new job

View source: R/newJob.R

newJobR Documentation

create and enqueue a new job


create and enqueue a new job


newJob(.type, .parentPath, ..., .parent = NULL, .enqueue = TRUE)



character scalar name of job type


the folder in which to create the new job's folder. If omitted, no folder is created for this job, and the job's $path item is set to NULL. If .parentPath is specified as NULL, then the new job's path is just its formatted id number. Otherwise, the job's path is .parentPath followed by "/" and the job's formatted ID.


additional named metadata for this job


.parent job, if any


logical scalar; should the job be added to the current queue? Default: TRUE, but non-server callers such as scripts should specify FALSE.


A job is a Twig object from the Copse created by

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