postInstall: code to run after installing a new version of this package.

View source: R/postInstall.R

postInstallR Documentation

code to run after installing a new version of this package.


code to run after installing a new version of this package.


postInstall(root = "/")



character scalar path to root of installation. Default: "/" This parameter allows testing the function without clobbering system files. e.g. specifying root="/tmp/PItest" will create the folder "/tmp/PItest" and then install the root_overlay files there.


After (re-)installing the motusServer package, this function is executed to install files outside the R package tree, and set ownership and permissions appropriately. Details of which files are installed is in the file inst/

If you install the motusServer R package using this command line:

sudo su -c 'cd /home/sg/src/motusServer; /usr/local/bin/rpack -g .' sg

then this function will be run by that script. Otherwise, you can do so manually from the shell like this:

Rscript -e 'motusServer:::postInstall()'


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.