readDTA: read a lotek .DTA file

View source: R/readDTA.R

readDTAR Documentation

read a lotek .DTA file


.DTA Files are generated by Lotek receiver software, and contain interspersed blocks of tag detections, antenna settings, and other metadata.


readDTA(filename = "", lines = NULL, numLines = -1)



if specified, gives the full path to the .DTA file


if specified, this is a character vector of lines from the .DTA file (helpful if it has already been read in for some reason). If NULL (the default), this function reads the file specified by filename


the maximum number of lines to read from the file. Useful if reading the file only to get a serial number, which is within the first 20 lines. Default: -1, which reads all lines.


A named list with some or all of these items:

  • recv serial number; e.g. "Lotek-123"

  • siteCode; integer; code for site

  • tags a data.frame with these columns:

    • ts numeric GMT timestamp (seconds since 1 Jan 1970)

    • id integer, no 999s

    • ant factor - Lotek antenna name

    • sig signal strength, in raw Lotek units (0..255)

    • lat if available, NA otherwise

    • lon if available, NA otherwise

    • dtaline line in the original .DTA file for this detection, beginning at 1

    • antfreq antenna listening frequency, in MHz

    • gain gain setting in place during this detection (0..99)

    • codeset factor - Lotek codeset name "Lotek3" or "Lotek4" so far

  • pieces chunks of text of various types

  • piece.lines.before number of lines before pieces of various types

  • boottimes character of formatted boot timestamps


The .DTA file is processed in lexical order, so that changes to antenna frequency settings etc. are taken into account in subsequent detection blocks.


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.