receivers_for_project: get receivers for a project

View source: R/dataServer.R

receivers_for_projectR Documentation

get receivers for a project


get receivers for a project





integer scalar project ID


a list with these vector items:

  • projectID; integer ID of project that deployed the receiver

  • serno; character serial number, e.g. "SG-1214BBBK3999", "Lotek-8681"

  • receiverType; character "SENSORGNOME" or "LOTEK"

  • deviceID; integer device ID (internal to motus)

  • status; character deployment status

  • name; character; typically a site name

  • fixtureType; character; what is the receiver mounted on?

  • latitude; numeric (initial) location, degrees North

  • longitude; numeric (initial) location, degrees East

  • elevation; numeric (initial) location, metres ASL

  • isMobile; integer non-zero means a mobile deployment

  • tsStart; numeric; timestamp of deployment start

  • tsEnd; numeric; timestamp of deployment end, or NA if ongoing

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.