sgFindTags: find tags in an SG stream

View source: R/sgFindTags.R

sgFindTagsR Documentation

find tags in an SG stream


A stream is the ordered sequence of raw data files from a receiver corresponding to a single boot session (period between restarts). This function searches for patterns of pulses corresponding to coded ID tags and adds them to the hits, runs, batches etc. tables in the receiver database. Each boot session is run as a separate batch.


sgFindTags(src, tagDB, resume = TRUE, par = NULL, mbn)



dplyr src_sqlite to receiver database


path to sqlite tag registration database


if TRUE, tag detection resumes where it last left off for each given item in mbn. Typically, a new batch of data files arrives and is added to the receiver database using sgMergeFiles(), and then sgFindTags is called again to continue processing these new data. When running archived data retroactively, it is better to set resume=FALSE, otherwise if bootnums are not monotonic, then tag event histories will be scrambled leading to searching for the wrong tags at the wrong times. This has often been the case for Beaglebone White receivers, since they had no internal memory for storing the bootcount, and relied on writing it to the SD card; updating to a new SD card would typically reset the boot count.


list of non-default parameters to the findtags code; defaults to NULL


integer monotonic boot number(s); this is the monoBN field from the files table in the receiver's sqlite database.


a list with these items

  • batchID the batch number

  • numHits the number of unfiltered tag detections in the stream.


John Brzustowski

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.