sgMergeFiles: Merge a batch of raw SG files with their receiver...

View source: R/sgMergeFiles.R

sgMergeFilesR Documentation

Merge a batch of raw SG files with their receiver database(s).


Determines which files are redundant, new, or partially new. Does *not* run the tag finder.


sgMergeFiles(files, j, dbdir = MOTUS_PATH$RECV)



either a character vector of full paths to files, or the full path to a directory, which will be searched recursively for raw sensorgnome data files.


job, whose ID will be recorded with records of new / changed files.


path to folder with existing receiver databases Default: MOTUS_PATH$RECV


Any new content from files is merged into the files and fileContents tables of the receiver DBs.

Files are disposed of like so:

  • any files which are symlinks are deleted after merging their target's contents; i.e. the symlink is deleted, not the file it points to.

  • files whose path has MOTUS_PATH$FILE_REPO as a prefix are left as-is

  • files whose path does not have MOTUS_PATH$FILE_REPO as a prefix, and which either are new or have new content are moved to MOTUS_PATH$FILE_REPO/serno/YYYY-MM-DD

  • remaining files are moved to MOTUS_PATH$TRASH


a list with two items:

  • info- a data_frame reporting the details of each file, with these columns:

    • name - full path to filename

    • use - TRUE iff data from this file will be incorporated in this run (i.e. the file is new, or has more content than its previous version)

    • new - TRUE iff a file of this name was not yet in database

    • done - TRUE iff this is a compressed file and we have its full contents

    • corrupt - TRUE the file was compressed but corrupted

    • small - TRUE iff the file contents are shorter than existing contents for that file in the receiver DB

    • partial - TRUE iff this is a partial compressed file for which an uncompressed version is in the same batch

    • serno - serial number of the receiver, parsed from this filename

    • monoBN - monotonic boot session, parsed from filename

    • ts - starting timestamp, parsed from filename

  • resumable - a logical vector indicating the tag finder can be run with –resume for each subset of files from a distinct (serno, monoBN) pair. The vector has names consisting of paste(serno, monoBN).

Returns NULL if no valid sensorgnome data files were found.


John Brzustowski

See Also

sgRunNewFiles, which calls this function and then calls sgFindTags as appropriate.

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.