syncServer: watch for attached receivers and sync files from them

View source: R/syncServer.R

syncServerR Documentation

watch for attached receivers and sync files from them


Watch for new files in MOTUS_PATH$SYNC. When a file is found, it's treated as describing a method and serial number for syncing, and a new syncReceiver job is queued for the receiver, if there isn't already an unfinished one for it. The syncReceiver job is queued via /sgm/priority, bypassing jobs running from uploaded data or manually on the server. This is to provide relatively low latency for both users watching online receivers, and because the internet connection to the receiver might be intermittent.


syncServer(tracing = FALSE, fileEvent = "CLOSE_WRITE",
  defaultMotusUserID = 347, defaultMotusProjectID = 1)



logical scalar, default FALSE. If TRUE, enter debug browser before handling each new file upload.


character scalar; default: "CLOSE_WRITE". Empty files are created in MOTUS_PATH$SYNC via the 'touch' command, so this is the last event in that case.


integer scalar; userID recorded for job if we're unable to find an appropriate receiver deployment and/or we're unable to default: 347 = jeremy


integer scalar; projectID recorded for job if we're unable to find an appropriate receiver deployment; default: 1 = motus Ontario array.


This function does not return; it is meant for use in an R script run in the background.


this depends on some other process creating files in the folder MOTUS_PATH$SYNC. In the motus set-up, this will be done from the server at, which manages and hosts networked SGs.


John Brzustowski

See Also

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Dec. 3, 2024, 10:47 a.m.