
Defines functions lockSymbol

Documented in lockSymbol

#' Try to lock or unlock a symbol, preventing any other cooperating motusServer process
#' from using it.
#' This is mainly to prevent interleaved access to receiver and other databases.
#' @param symbol character scalar; this can be a receiver serial
#'     number, database filename, or other arbitrary unique symbol.
#' @param owner integer; defaults to process group id of the R
#'     session, but any integer uniquely associated with the process
#'     can be used. The owner is recorded in the symLocks table of the
#'     motus server database when locking is successful (indeed,
#'     'successful' means that after attempting to lock the symbol,
#'     the owner associated with it is this parameter).
#' @param lock logical scalar; if TRUE, try unlock the receiver;
#'     otherwise, release any lock.
#' @param block logical scalar; if TRUE, the default, don't return
#'     until locking the symbol has succeeded. Otherwise, return
#'     immediately with TRUE or FALSE.
#' @return if \code{lock} is \code{TRUE}, then return TRUE if this
#'     process now has an exclusive lock on the symbol, otherwise
#'     FALSE.  If \code{lock} is \code{FALSE}, then always return
#'     TRUE.
#' @note requires existence of the symbol ServerDB in the global environment;
#' this can be ensured by first calling \link{\code{ensureServerDB()}}
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

lockSymbol = function(symbol, owner=getPGID(), lock=TRUE, block=TRUE) {
    ## Note: the locking is achieved by the UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY property on symbol

    ## sanity check on `symbol`; see: https://github.com/jbrzusto/motusServer/issues/437
    if (! isTRUE(nchar(symbol) > 0))
        stop("invalid symbol ", symbol)

    if (lock) {
        ## try to lock this serial number to our process number; this
        ## fails at the sqlite level if there's already a lock on the
        ## receiver; i.e. if there's already a record in symLocks with
        ## the given symbol.  However, to cover the case where the
        ## lock is ours, e.g. due to sloppy coding in this package, we
        ## don't use this exception to determine whether locking
        ## succeeded.  All we're interested in is whether \code{owner}
        ## really does own the symbol; that's what "success" means here.

        repeat {
                ServerDB(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s VALUES(:symbol, :owner)", MOTUS_SYMBOLIC_LOCK_TABLE),
                         symbol = symbol,
                         owner = owner),
                silent = TRUE)

            ## return logical indicating whether locking succeeded

            haveLock = isTRUE(owner == ServerDB(sprintf("SELECT owner from %s where symbol=:symbol", MOTUS_SYMBOLIC_LOCK_TABLE),
                                                            symbol = symbol)[[1]])
            if (haveLock || ! block)

            ## locking failed and we're not supposed to return until it succeeds,
            ## so sleep a random amount and try again

            Sys.sleep(10 * runif(1))
    ServerDB(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s where symbol=:symbol", MOTUS_SYMBOLIC_LOCK_TABLE),
                    symbol = symbol)
    return (TRUE)
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.