Man pages for N-DucharmeBarth/ndd.vast.utils
Modifications of James-Thorson-NOAA/VAST and James-Thorson-NOAA/FishStatsUtils functions as well as my general utility functions

area.cellGet the area of each longitude by latitude cell. Adjust for...
calc.clockwise.angleCalculate the clockwise angle between two vectors Vectors are...
chaikin.openChaikin corner cutting algorithm for open segments Used...
Convert_EN_to_LL_Fn.nddFunction to convert points stored as eastings and northings...
Convert_LL_to_EastNorth_Fn.nddFunction to convert points stored as lat-lon to eastings and...
Data_GeostatA simulated data set approximating skipjack biomass in the...
enviroA a named-list of length two is required: "formula" is a...
fit.vastFits a VAST model, compatible with VAST v8_3_0 through...
make_covariates.nddIs exactly the same as JT FishStatUtils function except it...
make_extrapolation_info.nddmodified from Jim Thorson's...
make_spatial_info.nddBuild objects related to spatial information, and is exactly...
pacific.coastA shapefile of coastline centered on the pacific ocean
skj.alt2019.shpA SpatialPolygons object containing the boundaries of the...
smooth.hull.spCalculate a smooth hull around a set of points Calculate a...
thicken.polyFunction to make polygon "thicker", useful when transforming...
N-DucharmeBarth/ndd.vast.utils documentation built on April 5, 2020, 9 p.m.