Man pages for NCAR/rwrfhydro
R tools for the WRF Hydro Model

AddRouteLinkGageAdd a 'gages' column to a file
AllSameAre all vector entries the same/identical.
amfMetaAmeriflux site metadata
AsCharLongIntConvert long-ish integers to characters without mutilation
BiasCalculate Bias
BiasNormCalculate Normalized Bias
CalcCOMCalculate center-of-mass.
CalcDailyGhcnAggregate hourly precipitation data into daily values to be...
CalcDatesCalculate standard date breaks.
CalcDateTruncCalculate date object from POSIXct time
CalcFdcCalculate flow duration curve statistics
CalcFdcPerfComputes flow duration curve statistics for WRF-Hydro...
CalcFdcSplineGenerate a spline-fit funtion for a flow duration curve
CalcMeanMinrmCalculate mean with enforced minimum valid value.
CalcMeanNarmCalculate mean with forced NA removal.
CalcModPerfComputes model performance statistics for WRF-Hydro flux...
CalcModPerfMultiComputes model performance statistics for WRF-Hydro flux...
CalcMonthDaysCalculate number of days in a month.
CalcNoahmpFluxesCalculate water fluxes from NoahMP output
CalcNoahmpWatBudgCalculate water balance from WRF-Hydro (w/NoahMP) output
CalcRunningMeanCalculate a running mean
CalcSnodasCoordsCalculate the SNODAS coordinates.
CalcStatCategoricalCalculate some categorical verification measures for...
CalcStatContCalculate some verification measures for continuous...
CalcStatsRSCalculates summary statistics from a remote sensing time...
CalcWaterYearReturns the water year or the day of water year for a given...
ChanObsToTimeSliceProcess model CHANOBS to observation timeSlice format for...
CheckConnCheckConn checks a re-expressed network.
ConvertRS2StackConvert a set of MODIS images to a raster stack and,...
ConvertStack2NCConvert a raster stack to a NetCDF file.
CreateBasinMaskCreate a coarse-resolution basin mask grid.
CumsumNaCalculate cumulative sum with forced NA=0.
EditFrxstPtsEdit the a frxst pts layer in Fulldom
ExportGeogridCreates a georeferenced TIF from a geogrid variable
FillOutliersFill outliers based on change between steps
FindUsgsStnsDiscover USGS stations using huc8 code or lat/lon/radius.
FlipLRFlip a matrix from left to right.
FlipUDFlip a matrix upside down.
FormalsToDfHandle vector arguments to functions in a collated fashion.
gages2AttrGages-II attributes
gages2AttrPlusGages-II attributes
GapFillRSGap fill a series of MODIS images using interpolation.
GatherStreamIndsGather upstream or downstream distance from a given starting...
GetCoDwrDataGet CO DWR data for specified sites.
GetCRNGet the US Climate Reference Network data from the NCEP ftp...
GetDomainCoordsProj'GetDomainCoordsProj' collects and reprojects spatial data...
GetFileStatOpen a netcdf file, extract specified indices for a variable,...
GetGeogridIndexGet geogrid cell indices from lat/lon (or other) coordinates.
GetGeogridSpatialInfoPull necessary geospatial information from geogrid file used...
GetGhcnGet GHCN-D data for specified siteIds.
GetGhcn2Get GHCN-D data for specified siteIds.
GetGithubPatRetrieve Github personal access token. Looks in env var...
GetMODISGet MODIS data and process to match geogrid
GetMultiNcdfGet WRF Hydro output/restart (scalar) timeseries spread over...
GetMultiNcdfFileThe GetMultiNcdf for individual file groups.
GetMultiNcdfVariableThe GetMultiNcdf for getting variables out of individual...
GetNcdfFileGet variables from a ncdf file
GetNWCSnowPointsGet and unpack National Water Center SWE and snow depth point...
GetNwmChannelOutExtract streamflow data from channel route netcdf files
GetPkgMetaGet a package's metadata fields and associated entries.
GetPkgRawDataPathSimplifed loading of rwrfhydro data included with the...
GetPolyReturn the polygon attribute for any point.
GetProjPull projection information from geogrid file 'GetProj' Pull...
GetRfcReturn the RFC name for any point.
GetSiteHucGiven a USGS site code, return its HUC8.
GetSnodasDepthSweDateGet and unpack the SNODAS snow depth and SWE tarball for...
GetSnodasPointTsPull SNODAS snowdepth and SWE time series for a given lat/lon...
GetSnotelGet SNOTEL data for specified sites.
GetStage4FilesDownload Stage IV and II data files
GetTimeZoneReturn the time zone for any point.
GetUsgsHucDataGet all the USGS streamgage information within a HUC8.
GetUsgsIvProductFor a single product, get instantaneous USGS data and...
ImproveHucMetaFor an indivudal product, Improve site metadata to be stored...
InsertRSInserts pre-processed images into appropriate forcing NetCDF...
KgeCalculate Kling-Gupta Efficiency.
LoadMetaDBLoad the metadata for the USGS streamflow database.
LsObjectsList objects with more detailed metadata
lsOSShorthand call for LsObjects.
MkDischargeVarianceMake variances for prettyUsgs discharge observations.
MkFrcAdjFromLdasinCreate modle forcing adjustment files using LDASIN file.
MkNcdfList based creation of netcdf files.
MkNudgingParamsCreate a parameter file for nudging.
MkUsgsTimeSliceMake timeslices from USGS discharge data files gathered using...
Model3SdErrClimTaperThree-sigma error specification assuming errors are smaller...
Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncptThree-sigma errors specified as percent of observed plus some...
multiplotPlot multiple ggplot objects
NamedListCreate and or name a list with its entries.
ncdumpEmulate ncdump -h and -v.
NseCalculate Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
NseLogCalculate Log Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency.
NtwKReExToNcdfOutput the network reexpression to netcdf.
PadRangeExpand limits by some amount or proportionally to their...
PlotFdcPlot a flow duration curve for a single streamflow time...
PlotFdcComparePlots a flow duration curve for up to three streamflow time...
PlotFluxComparePlot time series comparing modeled and observed fluxes
PlotPrettyUsgsPlot USGS site data which has been prettied with PrettyUsgs.
PlotWatBudgPlot water balance from WRF-Hydro (w/NoahMP) output
PolyToRasterCreates raster file from polygon matching the 'geoFile'
PosixOriginThe standard posix origin 1970-01-01
PrettyUsgsPrettyUsgs constructs the S3 class prettyUsgs.
PutSnodasCoordsNcdfPut the SNODAS coordinates into a netcdf file.
PutSnodasNcdfWrite output of ReadSnodasDepthSweDate to netcdf.
QueryHaveSiteGeneral purpose query/get for instantaneous USGS streamflow...
QuerySiteDataReturns the data for given sites from local database.
QuerySiteInfoReturns the desired information from the database metadata...
QuerySiteNameFind the name (site id) for a given site (name) in the local...
QuerySiteProdFind the products available for a given site in the local...
RBFlashCalculate Richards-Baker Flashiness Index.
ReadAmerifluxRead Ameriflux data into R dataframe.
ReadAmerifluxCSVOldFormatRead standard-format CSV data downloaded from Ameriflux
ReadAmerifluxNCOldFormatRead standard-format NetCDF data downloaded from Ameriflux
ReadChrtoutRead WRF-Hydro CHRTOUT data files.
ReadCoDwrGageRead standard-format text data table downloaded from CO DWR
ReadFrxstPts'ReadFrxstPts' reads in WRF-Hydro forecast points output text...
ReadGwbuckFileRead groundwater bucket netcdf parameter file into dataframe.
ReadGwOutRead WRF-Hydro standard-format groundwater output text file.
ReadLakeoutRead LAKEOUT files from gridded lake routing option and...
ReadLdasoutAllRead WRF-Hydro (w/NoahMP) LDASOUT data files and generate...
ReadLdasoutWbRead WRF-Hydro (w/NoahMP) LDASOUT data files and generate...
ReadLinkFileRead route link file into dataframe.
ReadNcTimeSliceRead a USGS discharge data timeslice from a netcdf file.
ReadRouteLinkRead in WRF-Hydro route link file
ReadRtoutRead WRF-Hydro RTOUT data files and generate basin-wide mean...
ReadSnodasDepthSweDateRead snodas snow depth and SWE into memory for a given date.
ReadUsgsGageRead standard-format text data table downloaded from USGS...
ReadWtFileRead weight file into list of dataframes.
ReExpNetworkReExpress stream networks indexed network traversal.
ReExpressRouteLinkReExpress the file.
ReIndexRouteLinkReIndex (netcdf) files for indexed network...
ReshapeMultiNcdf"Flatten" the output from GetMultiNcdf
rfcPolygon shapefile of River Forecast Center boundaries.
RmseCalculate root mean squared error.
RmseNormCalculate normalized root mean squared error.
RotateCcwRotate a matrix counter-clock-wise.
RotateCwRotate a matrix clock-wise.
RoundMinutesRound a POSIXct time to the nearest mth minute.
rwrfhydrorwrfhydro: Tools for working with WRF Hydro data.
SaveHucDataSave the output of GetUsgsHucData to an archive.
SelectGhcnGaugesRead the daily GHCN-D metadata and select gauges based on the...
SmoothStackRun MODIS-R Whittaker smoothing over pre-processed raster...
snotelMetaSNOTEL site metadata
StdLonStandardize lon to (-180,180].
sub-.prettyUsgsExtract or replace parts of prettyUsgs objects.
subset.prettyUsgsSubset prettyUsgs objects.
SubsetWtsSubset spatial weight file based on combination of link IDs...
timeZoneTime zone polygon
TranslateStateCodesTranslate standard state names, abbreviations, and codes.
TransTzTranslate (i.e. invert) timezones to the so calle Olson names...
TransUsgsProdStatTranslate USGS product/stat codes to something readable (and...
tzLookupTime zone lookup table
UpdateGwbuckFileUpdate a groundwater bucket parameter netcdf file based on an...
UpdateLinkFileUpdate a route link netcdf file based on an R dataframe.
UpdateWtFileUpdate a spatial weight netcdf file based on an R dataframe.
VisualizeChanNtwkVisualize WRF Hydro channel link indices and get coordinates.
VisualizeDomainVisualize WRF Hydro domain files.
VisualizeRouteLinkVisualize files.
VisualizeSpatialVisualize WRF Hydro domain spatial data.
VisualizeSubsetStreamVisualize upstream or downstream links determined from...
WhichMultiReturn indices in native matrix dims
WriteDischargeObsSeqWrites an ascii file for DART binary...
WriteNcTimeSliceWrite a USGS discharge timeslice to a netcdf file.
NCAR/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 12:47 p.m.