There are two ways to fit a GLM model using Stan.

  1. Use rstanarm::stan_glm, which uses a precompiled stan model to fit your data (under the hood, using rstan::stan).
  2. Write the stan code for the model & fit using rstan::stan.

We will work through both examples here.

Using rstanarm

First let's select a dataset to which we want to fit our model.


Let's decide on the model we want to estimate. For now we will fit a really generic model to predict mpg.

fit1 <- rstanarm::stan_glm(mpg / 10 ~ .,
                          data = mtcars)

Here we fit the default stan model, which puts a normal(0, 1) prior on each of the covariate estimates.

In the rstanarm framework, we can modify the priors on the covariates, to set a particular distribution of priors (e.g. student_t or cauchy) or to enforce greater sparsity (e.g. hs() or hs_plus()). See prior distribitions for a description of prior distributions available.

fit2 <- rstanarm::stan_glm(mpg / 10 ~ .,
                           data = mtcars,
                           prior = cauchy(),
                           adapt_delta = 0.999,
                           iter = 4000

For linear models, we also have the choice of putting a more global prior on the coefficient parameters, though a neat math trick which allows us to put a prior on R2. This reflects our overall confidence in the ability of the model to explain our outcome.

fit3 <- rstanarm::stan_lm(mpg / 10 ~ .,
                          data = mtcars,
                          prior = R2(location = 0.3, what = 'mode'),
                          adapt_delta = 0.999

At the end of the day, the decision of how to select priors can be based on substantive knowledge (from previous experiments or domain experience) or on model performance (e.g. cross-validation performance).

Evaluating posterior fits

Now, let's assume these all sampled well & that we have good estimates for our parameters from the three fits.

First thing we might want to do is compare these posterior estimates.

plot1 <- bayesplot::mcmc_dens_overlay(as.array(fit1),
                                      facet_args = list(ncol = 1),
                                      pars = c('cyl', 'wt'))
plot2 <- bayesplot::mcmc_dens_overlay(as.array(fit2),
                                      facet_args = list(ncol = 1),
                                      pars = c('cyl', 'wt'))
plot3 <- bayesplot::mcmc_dens_overlay(as.array(fit3),
                                      facet_args = list(ncol = 1),
                                      pars = c('cyl', 'wt'))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol = 2)

These priors have very little impact on our estimated coefficient values.

Model comparison using loo

We can compare these models using a leave-one-out approximation.

loo::compare(loo(fit1, k_threshold = 0.7),
             loo(fit2, k_threshold = 0.7),
             loo(fit3, k_threshold = 0.7))

When comparing 3 models, we get back a ranking of the models in terms of their predictive performance on our data (lower models of . When comparing A positive result indicates that the second model is a better fit than the first.

Note that we can also plot the loo object.

Fitting GLM model

Let's try fitting a glm (logistic) regression model. This example is borrowed from the rstanarm vignette vignette("binomial", package = 'rstanarm').

wells$dist100 <- wells$dist / 100
bfit <- stan_glm(
   switch ~ dist100 + arsenic, 
   data = wells,
   family = binomial(link = "logit"),
   prior_intercept = normal(0, 10),
   QR = TRUE,
   chains = 2,
   iter = 2000

Using stan code to fit the GLM model

file_path <- file.path('vignettes','stan_glm.stan')
lines <- readLines(file_path, encoding = 'ASCII')
for (n in 1:length(lines)) cat(lines[n], '\n')

Stan code is broken into several blocks --

  1. Data block: defines inputs expected by the model.
  2. Parameters block: defines the parameters.
  3. Transformed parameters: transformations of parameters; applies jacobian adjustment for transformations.
  4. Model block: defines the log-likelihood (posterior density) of the model.

There are other blocks (functions & generated quantities) but we are not using them here.

Fit the model to our data

In order to fit this model to our data using rstan::fit, we first need to prepare a named list to provide data to the stan model.

ols_estimate <- glm(mpg / 10 ~ . , data = mtcars, x = TRUE)
x <- ols_estimate$x
y <- ols_estimate$y

stan_data <- list(
  N = length(y),
  M = ncol(x),
  x = x,
  y = as.array(y)

Now we are ready to fit our model to our data.

stan_fit <- rstan::stan(file = file_path, data = stan_data)

Summarizing the fit object

The final step is to summarize the fit object.

print(stan_fit, pars = c('beta', 'sigma'))

You will notice that this summary is not "pretty" -- ie, our beta coefficients are not labelled in a pleasing way, as our results from rstanarm were.

We do, however, have access to the x-coefficient names.


And, we can still use the bayesplot & loo package functionality , although to use loo we will need to calculate our log-likelihood contributions for each observed value.

Here's an example of plotting our beta-estimates from this model fit.

bayesplot::mcmc_areas(as.array(stan_fit), regex_pars = 'beta.*')

It's also worth calling out the excellent tool called shinystan.

if (interactive())

NCBI-Hackathons/SuMu documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:02 a.m.