Site-class: S4 Class Definition for Site object in NCRNWater

Site-classR Documentation

S4 Class Definition for Site object in NCRNWater


An S4 class that contains the data from water monitoring from a single site. Data on individual characteristics will be stored as one o more S4 objects in each site object. Site objects are themselves stored as a list within a park object.



A short code to designate the site, stored as a length 1 character vector.


A name for the site. Stored as a length 1 character vector.


A length 1 numeric vector containing the latitude of the site in WGS84 coordinates.


A length 1 numeric vector containing the longitude of the site in WGS84 coordinates.


The type of water body at the site - e.g. Stream, River, Lake, Ocean etc. Stored as a length 1 character vector.


A list of water quality characteristic objects that include the water quality data and associated meta-data.

NCRN/NCRNWater documentation built on May 15, 2023, 9:50 p.m.