make: make

makeR Documentation



makes a new NPSForVeg object from one or more existing objects


make(object, ParkCode, ShortName, LongName, Network, plots = NA, ...)



Either an NPSForVeg object or a list of such objects


The park code for the new NPSForVeg object


The short name for the new NPSForVeg object


The long name for the new NPSForVeg object


The network code for the new NPSForVeg object


A character vector with plot names. When specified, only data from the given plots will be included in the new NPSForVeg Object.


This function creates new NPSForVeg objects by combining two or more previously existing objects and/or by subsetting existing objects. If more than one object is provided then the data for these objects is combined. The areas associated with the plots (eg. the size and number of sapling microplots) is taken from the first object. WARNING: If the objects have different sized plots then area based calculations will be in error. The function also takes the cycles from the first object ans assumes that they are valid for all objects.

Providing a plots argument will indicate which plots are in the new object. The user must indicate the new network code, park code and park names.

NCRN/NPSForVeg documentation built on June 7, 2024, 1:01 p.m.