knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

The fleets designations were made after an exploratory cluster analysis study


1 indicates a gear code < 1% of total landings

1,2 indicates a gear code < 0.1% of total landings

All other gear codes make up the majority (99%) of the landings. For these gear codes each species contribution to the total landings (aggregated over time) are shown as percentages

Species of interest are bolded

gearData <- readRDS(file=paste0(here::here("data-raw/data","timeSeriesSpeciesByGear.rds")))
gearData$data %>% dplyr::filter(NEGEAR2==gearCode)

Demersal (large mesh > 3")

05 - OTTER TRAWL, BOTTOM (cod (16%), yellowtail fl (15%), haddock (12%), silver hake (10%), winter fl (8%), loligo (6%) + 33% other bottom) - Large and small mesh - 7,323,551,019 lbs

1 16 - DANISH SEINE (cod, witch fl, yellowtail flounder, winter fl, plaice, silver hake) - 5,194,870 lbs

1 36 - SCOTTISH SEINE (silver hake, cod, plaice, witch fl, yellowtail flounder, winter fl, red hake) - 4,521,702 lbs

1 35 - BEAM TRAWL (summer flounder, winter flounder, yellowtail flounder) - 927,806 lbs

1 32 - FYKE NET (winter fl, windowpane fl, dogfish, skates) - 1,602 lb

Demersal (small mesh <= 3")

Predominantly Silver Hake, White Hake, Butterfish, Short fin, and long fin squid

05 - OTTER TRAWL, BOTTOM (cod (16%), yellowtail fl (15%), haddock (12%), silver hake (10%), winter fl (8%), loligo (6%) + 33% other bottom) - Large and small mesh - 7,323,551,019 lbs

Fixed Gear

10 - GILL NET, FIXED (dogfish (22%), cod (22%), goosefish (20%), winter skate/skates (21%), pollock (6%)) - 417,501,765 lbs

01 - LONGLINE, BOTTOM (cod (40%), dogfish (21%), tilefish (20%), haddock (9%) + pollock , white hake) - 234,755,227 lbs

02 - HANDLINE (cod(42%), scup (15%), tuna (13%), spiny dogfish(6%), mackerel (5%)) -72,859,422 lbs

1 50 - GILL NET (angler, bluefish, skate, dogfish) - 789,780 lbs

1 52 - GILL NET (skate, angler, haddock, swordfish, mackerel, cod ) - 367,823 lbs


14 - POUND NET (loligo (35%) , scup (20%), mackerel (20%), many other < 5%) - 39,571,508 lbs

1 26 - WEIR (loligo, mackerel, scup) - 3,094,066 lbs

1 8 - FLOATING TRAP (mackerel, scup, loligo, tuna) - 1,850,040 lbs


17 - MIDWATER OTTER TRAWL (Mackerel (7%), Herring (91%)) - 598,176,314 lbs

37 - MIDWATER OTTER TRAWL (Mackerel (11%) , Herring (88%)) - 367,414,353 lbs

12 - PURSE SEINE (1970's menhaden (40%), Tuna (34%), Herring (5%)) - 41,291,228 lbs


13 - DREDGE, SCALLOP (scallop (88%) (Goosefish , yellowtail, bottom fish)) - 733,761,209 lbs

Surf clam

40 - DREDGE (surfclam (56%), ocean quahog(43%) ) - 425,058,521 lbs

Other shellfish

38 - DREDGE (mussel(40%), sea scallop(30%), clam+quahog (17%) + bottom fish) - 48,683,622 lbs

1 25 - RAKES (quahog, soft clam, mussels, crab, oysters) - 13,153,618 lbs

1 41 - TONGS AND GRABS (quahog, soft clam, surf clam) - 232,351 lbs

1 22 - HOES/FORK (soft clam, oysters, bay scallop) - 217,491 lbs


20 - POT/TRAP (lobster(53%) + crab(46%), bottom fish < 1%) - 340,059,280 lbs

18 - POTS + TRAPS (crab (20%), lobster (20%), whelk (10%), snails (10%), hagfish (20%) + bottom fish (20%)) - 79,123,496 lbs

30 - POTS + TRAPS (crab (>99%)) - 68,329,188 lbs

21 - POT/TRAP (Lobster (88%), crab (10%) + bottom fish) - 39,633,570 lbs

1 23 - BY HAND (soft clam, crab, quahog, oysters, clam) - 1,665,727 lbs

1 33 - DIVING GEAR (lobster, sea urch, squid) - 878,986 lbs

1 15 - TRAWL (lobster, 1972,1974) - 21,437 lbs

1 19 - POTS + TRAPS (rock crab, lobster, 2004) - 23525 lbs

1 53 - TRAMMEL NET (lobster , 2012) - 193 lbs


1 3 - HARPOONS (Tuna, swordfish)

1 11 - GILL NET, DRIFT (swordfish, tuna, shark )

1 6 - TROLL LINE (Tuna, sea herring, striped bass, bluefish)

1 4 - LONGLINE (swordfish, tunas, tilefish)

Other gear

1 28 - DREDGE (southern flounder, 1989-1997)

1 27 - BOX TRAP (cod, angler, lobster, 2004)

1 99 - UNKNOWN (silver hake, oysters, lobster, quahog, sea herring, angler, mussels )

1,2 44 - WEEDWHACKER, SEAWEED (whelks, 2016)

1,2 31 - LIFT NET (lobster, 2002)

1,2 34 - CAST NETS (quahog, surf clam, skate, plaice )

1,2 81 - SUCTION PUMP ()

1,2 45 - TRAWL, SHRIMP (crustacean, 2017)

1,2 9 - DIP NET (alewife, yellow flounder, scallop, soft clam)

1,2 7 - HAUL SEINE (perch, alewife, cod, winter flounder, lobster)


The resulting data set is in the data package as fleets. Since the current length based model, Hydra, includes three fleets, the fleet designations are reduced further to map to the requirements of the Hydra model.

mskeyrun::fleets %>%

NOAA-EDAB/ms-keyrun documentation built on April 20, 2024, 10:07 a.m.