
#' The Atlantis-simulated fishery length composition for the mskeyrun project
#' Simulated fishery length composition data from Atlantis model as sampled by atlantisom
#' @format A data frame
#' \describe{
#'\item{ModSim}{Atlantis model name and simulation id}
#'\item{year}{year simulated survey conducted}
#'\item{Code}{Atlantis model three letter code for functional group}
#'\item{Name}{Atlantis model common name for functional group}
#'\item{fishery}{simulated fishery name}
#'\item{agecl}{age class of Atlantis functional group}
#'\item{lenbin}{1 cm length bin, lower limit}
#'\item{variable}{number at length (Natlen)}
#'\item{value}{value of the variable}
#'\item{units}{units of the variable}
#' }
NOAA-EDAB/ms-keyrun documentation built on April 20, 2024, 10:07 a.m.