Man pages for NREL/rplexos
Read and Analyze 'PLEXOS' Solutions

get_queryGet a query for a SQLite file
is_otf_rplexosEnable or disable on-the-fly mode
is_sample_statsTest if elements in sample column are statistics
list_foldersGet list of folders in the working directory
location_solution_rplexosShortcut functions for rplexos sample files
plexos_openOpen all PLEXOS databases
process_folderConvert PLEXOS files to SQLite databases
query_class_memberGet list of objects from all databases
query_configQuery configuration tables
query_logQuery log file information
query_masterQuery data and aggregate data
query_master_eachOpen one database and query data
query_phaseGet summary information from all databases
query_propertyGet list of available properties
query_sqlGet query for all scenarios
query_timeGet time spans from all databases
rplexosrplexos: Read and analyze PLEXOS solutions from R
start_debug_rplexosEnable or disable debug mode
start_parallel_rplexosEnable or disable parallel queries
valid_columnsGet list of valid columns
NREL/rplexos documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:03 p.m.