Man pages for NRSC/nphys
R package for interpreting neurphysiology field and whole-cell data

APanalysisAnalysis function for APs Includes a collection of...
convertIndexConvert index into Seconds by frequency
dfs_ABFExtract data or other variables from the imported ABF data.
dvdt_mVDisplay figure of AP dV/dt
editNphysEdit a nphys function
epochDF_from_nwb_commentsReturn the Epochs in a dataframe format for easier
epochs_from_nwb_stimulusGet epochs from stimulus trace by identifying significant...
epochs_from_stimulusGet epochs from stimulus trace by identifying significant...
epochStimulusGet Epoch from stimulus
expDayExperimental day
extractNWBExtract data from nwb file : This function is utilized by the...
fileDReturns the last element of a path
fpksFind peaks in a trace
get_nwb_versionConvert useful ipfx functions to R for portability
groupifyGroup based upon sweep interval.
identify_pointsClick to identify points along a trace.
importABFImport ABF files from experiment.
isolateSegmentIsolate action potential and subsequent interstimulus segment...
n_funn values in graph
nwbPlot_sweepPlot a sweep from the nwb file path
pipePipe operator
plotVoidPlot void trace from txt trace
plotVoidNWBPlot void trace pulled
reticABFUse reticulate and python to extract abf data
rmFlagRemove the flag from the end of a datamark
stimArtifactUtilize the point along a trace where the rate of change...
testPulseTest pulse analysis
threshold_downsamplingDownsample based on rate of change between points. Can...
vmAvgGet voltage average from 0 for sweeps
write_exp_metadataNWBWrite experimental metadata critical for dandi upload to an...
wrkDReturn file path without last path element.
zeroAdjustZero adjust.
NRSC/nphys documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 2:12 a.m.