Warning: This project is still under development and is not fully mature

A Shiny app to present flood forecasting results at NVE. If you find a bug or think of an interesting new feature, please file a new issue. Please refer to the guidelines for filing issues at the end of this readme.


Improving the documentation

The documentation is a work-in-progress at It is build automatically by travis-ci from Rmd files located in the /report directory. An automatic report (also based on RStudio's Rmarkdown) is being tested but is not updated everyday yet.

If you want to contribute to this documentation website, either send me your contribution in mardown format by email, do a formal pull request to this repository, or ask to be added as collaborator to this project.

Filing issues

Please try to follow those guidelines for filing issues:

One issue for one purpose. Don't add more than one bug, feature request, documentation request, question, etc.. on to the same issue.

NVE/Flood_forecasting documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:04 p.m.