lambda_matrix: Lambda estimates using demographic data in a matrix approach

View source: R/lambda_matrix.R

lambda_matrixR Documentation

Lambda estimates using demographic data in a matrix approach


A calculation of the finite rate of increase (lambda) using a simplied population projection matrix approach based on basic demographic data.

The model based on demographic data: age of first basic reproduction, number of female offspring per female, maximum age of reproduction, and two pieces of empirical survival data: 1) the juvenile survival rate through to adulthood, and 2) annual survival rate for adults.


lambda_matrix(r.stage, b, stages, terminal)



Stage in which first reproduction occurs


Number of female offspring per female


Number of distinct survival/fecundity stages


Vector of stage specific survival rates


Logical - whether all adults die after reaching final stage


If the stages of matrix are set to represent age and there is obligate death of adults (terminal = TRUE) then the finite rate of increase should be equivalent to that generated by the lambda_PM function ( equivalent to the "PM" equiation of Slade et al (1998)


Returns an estimate of the finite rate of increase for a given population based on the juvenile survival rate through to adulthood, and the adult annual survival rate.


Nathan Whitmore


Slade, N. A., Gomulkiewicz, R., & Alexander, H. M. (1998). Alternatives to Robinson and Redford's method of assessing overharvest from incomplete demographic data. Conservation Biology, 12(1), 148-155.


# e.g. life history data from Ochotona princeps (Slade et al. 1998)
# in which each stage is equivalent to a year
# such that r.stage is equivalent to age of first reproduction
# and number of stages is the maximum age of reproduction

  r.stage = 1,  # stage of first reproduction
  b = 3.25,  # number of female offspring per female
  stages = 6 , # number of stages
  S = c(0.11,rep(0.7,5)),  # survival rate vector
  terminal = TRUE

NathanWhitmore/harvest documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 2:28 p.m.