API for NetCoupler/NetCoupler
Inference of Causal Links Between a Network and an External Variable

Global functions
%>% Man page
NetCoupler Man page
NetCoupler-package Man page
add_comparison_columns Source code
add_effects_column Source code
all_of Man page
ambigious_effect_logic Source code
any_of Man page
as_data_frame Man page
as_edge_tbl Man page Source code
as_edge_tbl.default Source code
as_edge_tbl.tbl_graph Source code
as_tbl_graph.pcAlgo Source code
as_tibble Man page
check_tbl Source code
classify_effects Source code
classify_options Man page
compute_model_estimates Source code
compute_partial_corr_matrix Source code
compute_weighted_adjacency_graph Source code
contains Man page
data_frame Man page
direct_effect_logic Source code
ends_with Man page
everything Man page
extract_residuals Source code
identify_external_variable Source code
keep_main_x_var_estimates Source code
keep_no_neighbour_models Source code
keep_relevant_data Source code
keep_xvar_model_estimates Source code
last_col Man page
log_regress_standardize Source code
log_standardize Source code
matches Man page
nc_estimate_exposure_links Man page Source code
nc_estimate_links Man page
nc_estimate_network Man page Source code
nc_estimate_outcome_links Man page Source code
nc_standardize Man page Source code
num_range Man page
pc_estimate_undirected_graph Man page Source code
reexports Man page
replace_with_residuals Source code
round_p_values Source code
select_helpers Man page
simulated_data Man page
starts_with Man page
tibble Man page
NetCoupler/NetCoupler documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 3:24 p.m.