Man pages for NicolasJBM/modlR
Toolbox for Model Estimation and Evaluation

analyze_pathCompute the moderated paths coefficients for analyses of...
compute_coefficientsCompute the simple coefficients for several models
compute_marginal_effectCompute the moderated direct paths coefficients for analayses...
direct_pathCompute the moderated direct paths coefficients for analayses...
fit_regressionCompute the paths coefficients for analayses of moderated...
fmt_starsAdd stars to a vector of coefficients based on the p-value.
indirect_pathCompute the moderated indirect paths coefficients for...
mm_edwards2007Data from Edwards and Lambert 2007 for tests of moderated...
prepare_sampleCompute the paths coefficients for analayses of moderated...
prep_modelCreate a formula based on lists of variables. All independent...
retrieve_modvalRetrieve values of the moderators necessary for analyses of...
NicolasJBM/modlR documentation built on May 14, 2021, 1:52 p.m.