Future packages

  1. Forecast accuracy - functions to join original data back up with simulated data in order to test the accuracy of the predictions
  2. Parameter uncertainty
  3. Adapting irregular temporal data to discrete time
daps1 <-
  daps() %>% 

  # coefficients and covariance matrix for: lm, glm, nnet::multinom, MASS::polr
  # lm and glm:
  #   - use predict methods
  #   - (type = "response" for glm)
  # glm inverse links per family:
  #   - binomial - ilogit (plogis())
  #   - poisson - exp()
  #   - gamma - exp()
  #   - (look at stats::make.link())
  # nnet:
  #   - summary(correlation = TRUE) (ilogit)
  #   - k - 1 by p vector (first group is 1 - sum)
  #   - rcat (categorical sampler)
  # Use MASS::mvrnorm() to get simulation distribution (set n to how many
  # simulations you're doing)

  # Sort models by descending complexity over time: 
  # 1) temporality (how far back they look)
  # 2) Number of unique variable names

  # Iteratively decide topological ordering 
  # (look for topological sort algorithms?)
  # https://rdrr.io/cran/Rfast/man/topological_sort.html
  # sparse matrices? SparseM package
    lm(sbp ~ lag(sbp) + lag(dbp) + sex + race + age, weights = testweights + 1),

    lm(sbp ~ sex + race + age),

    lm(dbp ~ lag(sbp) + lag(dbp) + sex + race + age),

    lm(dbp ~ sex + race + age),

      diabetes ~
        sex + race + age + lag(sbp) + lag(sbp, 2) + lag(dbp) + lag(dbp, 2),
      family = binomial

    glm(diabetes ~ sex + race + age + lag(sbp) + lag(dbp), family = binomial),

    glm(diabetes ~ sex + race + age, family = binomial),

    # nnet::multinom(
    #   chd_risk ~
    #     lag(sbp) + lag(sbp, 2) + lag(dbp) + lag(dbp, 2) + sex + race + age
    # ),
    # nnet::multinom(chd_risk ~ lag(sbp) + lag(dbp) + sex + race + age),

    # glmnet::glmnet(
    #   formula = chd_risk ~ sbp + lag(sbp) + dbp + lag(dbp) + sex + race + age,
    #   family = "multinomial"
    # ),
    # glmnet::glmnet(formula = sex ~ sbp + dbp + age + race, family = "binomial"),

    age ~ lag(age)
    # age ~ mean(age, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>% 

    state =
      c("state1", "state2", "state3"),
    nodes =
        c("sex", "race", "age", "sbp", "dbp", "chd_risk"),
        c("sex", "race", "age", "sbp", "dbp", "chd_risk"), # "hdl", "ldl", "triglycerides"),
        c("sex", "race", "age", "sbp", "dbp", "chd_risk") # , "hdl", "ldl", "triglycerides",
          # "glucose")
    transitions =
          lag(sbp) >= 135 | lag(dbp) >= 80                            ~ "state3",
          lag(chd_risk) == "elevated" | sex == "male" & lag(age) > 35 ~ "state2",
          TRUE                                                        ~ "state1"
          lag(sbp) >= 135 | lag(dbp) >= 80                            ~ "state3",
          TRUE                                                        ~ "state2"
          TRUE                                                        ~ "state3"

# Add id to models
# Add column of fits to $models object at train()
teststatic <- 
    ~id, ~sex,     ~race,
    1,   "male",   "black",
    2,   "female", "white",
    3,   "male",   "black",
    4,   "male",   "white"

testtemporal <-
    ~id, ~t, ~sbp, ~dbp, ~age, ~diabetes, ~chd_risk,
    1,   1,  120,  65,   35,   FALSE,     "low",
    1,   2,  119,  66,   36,   FALSE,     "normal",
    1,   3,  118,  68,   50,   FALSE,     "normal",
    1,   4,  150,  100,  51,   TRUE,      "elevated",
    2,   1,  139,  81,   64,   FALSE,     "normal",
    2,   2,  140,  111,  66,   FALSE,      "elevated",
    2,   3,  137,  85,   66,   TRUE,      "elevated",
    2,   4,  155,  90,   66,   TRUE,      "elevated",
    3,   1,  100,  40,   34,   TRUE,      "low",
    3,   2,  114,  45,   34,   FALSE,     "low",
    3,   3,  100,  50,   34,   FALSE,     "low",
    3,   4,  103,  56,   34,   FALSE,     "low",
    4,   1,  115,  110,  85,   FALSE,      "elevated",
    4,   2,  140,  125,  86,   TRUE,      "elevated",
    4,   3,  NA,   NA,   87,   TRUE,      "elevated",
    4,   4,  NA,   NA,   88,   TRUE,      "elevated"
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(testweights = runif(nrow(.)))
daps_trained <-
  daps1 %>%
  train(teststatic, testtemporal)

lapply(daps_trained$trained_fits$model, class)
# Bypassing initialization() for now
# initialization() is where we specify how many simulations we're doing 
# and where the generation of coefficients with MASS::mvrnorm() happens

# Argument in simulate() for whether to incorporate parameter uncertainty
# True by default

daps_trained %>%
    static = teststatic,
    longitudinal = testtemporal,
    t.start = 3,
    t.stop = 6,
    start.state = "state1"
testinitialization <-
    ~id, ~state0, ~t0, ~tstop,
    1,   "state1",  1,      6,
    2,   "state1",  1,      6,
    3,   "state1",  1,      6,
    4,   "state1",  1,      6

# initialize(
#     # Take longitudinal data passed to this function and throw out everything not needed to simulate 
#     # Only look as far back as 
#     # Two MOs:
#     # 1. Without data sets 
#     #    parameters:
#     #      - n (number of unique ids)
#     #      - Tibble:
#     #         - S (number of simulations per id)
#     #         - start.metastate = NULL (initial state per id)
#     #         - t.start (provided on a case-by-case basis per id)
#     #         - t.stop (last timepoint to simulate per id)
#     # 2. With data sets (static and longitudinal)
#     #    parameters:
#     #      - n (number of unique ids)
#     #      - static
#     #      - longitudinal
#     #      - Tibble:
#     #         - S (number of simulations per id)
#     #         - start.metastate = NULL (initial state per id)
#     #         - t.start (function can figure it out)
#     #         - t.stop (last timepoint to simulate per id)
#   )
daps() %>%
  add_models() %>% 
  train(static, longitudinal) %>% 
  initialize() %>%

# use the butcher package to pare down model objects to include only 

# Model object is a list:
# $formula
# $fitter
# $Model objects list
#  -> unique to each fitter
simulate(daps_fitted, d)
# library(tidyverse)
# library(nnet)
# d <-  foreign::read.dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/hsbdemo.dta")
# with(d, do.call(rbind, tapply(write, prog, function(x) c(M = mean(x), SD = sd(x)))))
# d$prog2 <- relevel(d$prog, ref = "academic")
# g <- nnet::multinom(prog2 ~ ses + write, data = d, Hess = TRUE)
# gs <- summary(g, correlation = TRUE)
# beta <- gs$coefficients %>% as.vector()
# S <- solve(g$Hessian)
# attr(beta, "names") <- dimnames(S)[[1]]
# tbl_graph(
#   nodes = 
#     tibble(
#       name = c("state1", "state2", "state3"),
#       color = c("blue", "green", "red"),
#       varset = list(c("sbp", "dbp", "bmi"), c("sbp", "dbp", "bmi"), TRUE)
#     ),
#   edges = tibble(
#     from = c(1, 1, 2),
#     to   = c(2, 3, 3),
#     logic = list(1 == 2, "a" == 3, 1 ~ 2)
#   ),
#   directed = TRUE
# ) %>% plot
# new_state <- function(formula) {
#   if (!is.null)
# }
# new_model <- function(states, vars) {
#   stopifnot(vapply(states, rlang::is_formula, logical(1L)))
#   stopifnot(vapply(vars, rlang::is_formula, logical(1L)))
#   process_state <-
#     lapply(states, )
#   # purrr::map_dfr(formulas, parse_formula)
# }
# process_state <- function(x) {
#   lhs <- rlang::f_lhs(x)
#   if (!rlang::is_symbol(lhs)) {
#     "Left-hand side of formula must be a single name of a state."
#   }
#   rhs <- 
#     x %>% 
#     terms() %>% 
#     attr("term.labels") %>% 
#     rlang::parse_exprs() %>% 
#     purrr::map_dfr(process_term)
#   list(
#     state = rlang::as_string(lhs),
#     vars  = process_terms(rhs)
#   )
# }
# process_term <- function(x) {
#   if (rlang::is_symbol(x)) {
#     tibble::tibble(var = rlang::as_string(x), t = NA)
#   } else if (rlang::)
# }

NikKrieger/daps documentation built on March 4, 2020, 1:28 p.m.