  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


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The dimensions of existence that are social.

The goal of the sociome package is to help the user to operationalize social determinants of health data in their research.

The current functionality is limited to measures of area deprivation in the United States, but we intend to expand into other elements of the "sociome."

We have implemented a variation of Singh's area deprivation index (ADI), which allows for estimation at the state, county, census tract, or census block group level and which allows for using different iterations of data from the American Community Survey (ACS).

The result is a more flexible framework for representing neighborhood deprivation. The get_adi() function is the primary tool for generating these indices. It allows the user to customize the desired reference population down to the block group level when calculating ADI. This enables the user to compare only the specific locations of interest without having to include other areas in the calculation of ADI. See the section called "Choosing a reference population" below for more detail.

The three comprising factors of the ADI, the ADI-3 (Berg et al., 2021), have been incorporated and are now automatically included in the output of both get_adi() and calculate_adi(), along with the ADI (Singh, 2003).

The output of get_adi() can be piped directly into ggplot2::geom_sf() for mapping.


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Background on ADI

In short,

"The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) is based on a measure created by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) over two decades ago for primarily county-level use, but refined, adapted, and validated to the Census block group/neighborhood level by Amy Kind, MD, PhD and her research team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It allows for rankings of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level)."

The original ADIs are static measures that G. K. Singh formulated in 2003 (Singh GK. Area deprivation and widening inequalities in US mortality, 1969-1998. Am J Public Health 2003;93(7):1137-43). Kind et al. utilized the 2013 edition of the ACS five-year estimates in order to formulate an updated ADI, which was announced in 2018. Rankings based on this ADIs are available via downloadable datasets at

The ADI that Kind et al. formulated is a national measure on each census block group in the US; the specific ADI value associated with each block group in the US is calculated in reference to all other block groups in the US. In other words, Kind et al. used the entire US as the reference population in their formulation. Concordantly, a given area might be assigned a different ADI value depending on the reference population utilized in its formulation; for example, the ADI of the wealthiest census block group in Milwaukee might be lower if it is computed using only the Milwaukee area as the reference population as opposed to using the entire US as the reference population. The get_adi() function flexibly allows for specifying the reference population for ADI estimation. See examples below.

Customizing the reference population

The algorithm that produced the ADIs of Singh and Kind et al. employs factor analysis. As a result, the ADI is a relative measure; the ADI of a particular location is dynamic, varying depending on which other locations were supplied to the algorithm. In other words, ADI will vary depending on the reference population.

For example, the ADI of Orange County, California is x when calculated alongside all other counties in California, but it is y when calculated alongside all counties in the US.

The get_adi() function enables the user to define a reference population by feeding a vector of GEOIDs to its geoid parameter (or alternatively for convenience, a vector of state abbreviations to its state parameter). The function then gathers data from those specified locations and performs calculations using their data alone.

One important behavior of get_adi() is its excluding of areas that have zero households from the reference population. Associating ADI values with such areas is not meaningful and can skew the resulting ADIs of the other areas within the reference population. Such areas are not excluded from the tables that get_adi() returns, but their ADI values are listed as NA.

Localized ADIs via get_adi()

The get_adi() function returns a table (viz., a tibble or sf tibble) of localized Singh's area deprivation indices (ADIs). The user chooses:

The function then calls the specified ACS data sets and employs the same algorithms that were used to calculate the original ADIs, resulting in localized ADIs. It stands on the shoulders of the get_acs() and get_decennial() functions in the tidycensus package (see, which is what enables the user to so easily select specific years and specific ACS estimates. get_adi() also benefits from the sf (shapefile)-gathering capabilities of get_acs() and get_decennial(), which enables the user to create maps depicting ADI values with relative ease, thanks to geom_sf() in ggplot2.


The following code returns a tibble containing the ADIs and corresponding ADI-3 values of the fifty US states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, using the 2019 edition of the 1-year ACS estimates:

get_adi(geography = "state", year = 2019, dataset = "acs1")

The required argument geography designates the type of area for which localized ADIs will be calculated: other options include county, tract, block group, and zcta. The arguments state, county, geoid, and zcta serve to narrow the reference population. The arguments dataset and year select the type and year, respectively, of the census data set used to calculate localized ADIs.

For example, the following is a tibble of the ADIs of the counties of Connecticut, using 2010 decennial census data:

get_adi(geography = "county", state = "CT", year = 2010, dataset = "decennial")

Notice the warning to the user that it is not recommended to calculate ADIs for fewer than 30 locations. This warning occurred in this case because Connecticut only has eight counties, and the ADI values of these counties are erratic indeed.

The aforementioned geoid parameter allows the user to mix different levels of geography when specifying a reference population. Employing the 2019 version of the 5-year ACS estimates, the code below stores the ADIs of the census block groups in every county entirely or partially on the Delmarva peninsula. Note that dataset = "acs5" by default.

delmarva_geoids <-
    # The two-digit GEOID above stands for the state of Delaware.

    # The five-digit GEOIDs stand for specific counties in Virginia and Maryland
    "51001", "51131", "24015", "24029", "24035", "24011", "24041", "24019",
    "24045", "24039", "24047")

delmarva <-
  get_adi("block group", geoid = delmarva_geoids, year = 2019, geometry = TRUE)
# The Delmarva peninsula lies on the east coast of the US
# and is split between DELaware, MARyland, and VirginiA.

The unique advantage of sociome::get_adi() is that it removes the need for researchers to separately download, merge, and filter different data files for each state or county. A single call to get_adi() automatically downloads, filters, and merges each necessary data set.

Notice that geometry = TRUE in the above code chunk, yielding an sf tibble, wherein shapefile data for each area is included. Printing sf tibbles is verbose, but they can be piped directly into geom_sf() from the ggplot2 package:


delmarva %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI))

Notice that the default behavior of geom_sf() is to make high-ADI areas lighter in color than low-ADI areas, which is counterintuitive. While not necessarily incorrect, this can be "fixed" using other ggplot features, such as scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1).

Furthermore, the gray borders between census block groups are a bit thick and in many cases totally obscure some of the smaller block groups. Borders can be removed by setting lwd = 0 within the geom_sf() function.

delmarva %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI), lwd = 0) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1)

Careful scrutiny of this map reveals gray areas, such as the one near the northern tip. These areas have no associated ADI because they were excluded from ADI calculation due to having zero households. While these areas are present in the ADI data set, their ADI values are NA. To illustrate, below are the year-2009 ADI values for the then-35 census tracts of Chautauqua County, New York, where Chautauqua Lake had its own census tract (Census Tract 0 in the first row).

chautauqua <- 
    state = "New York",
    county = "Chautauqua",
    year = 2009,
    dataset = "acs5",
    geometry = TRUE,
    keep_indicators = TRUE
chautauqua %>%
  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::select(GEOID, NAME, ADI, B11005_001) %>% 
  print(n = Inf)

By having set keep_indicators = TRUE, the ADI factors as well as the raw census data are retained in the chautauqua object. In output above, these columns were filtered out except for B11005_001, which denotes the number of households in each tract. Different census data sets have different variable codes for the same type of data, and the data sets sociome::acs_vars and sociome::decennial_vars serve as keys to these variable codes.

Below is a map of the ADI data above. Note that the color of areas with NA ADIs can be changed via the na.value argument in scale_fill_viridis_c().

chautauqua %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI)) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1, na.value = "red")

Demonstration of the relative nature of ADIs, using custom reference populations

The code below calculates and maps ADIs for Ohio counties.

ohio <- get_adi("county", state = "OH", year = 2017, geometry = TRUE)

ohio %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1)

The code below also calculates and maps ADIs for Ohio counties, but it uses a reference population of all counties in the fifty states plus DC and Puerto Rico:

ohio_ref_US <- 
  get_adi("county", year = 2017, geometry = TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::filter(substr(GEOID, 1, 2) == "39")
  # Ohio's GEOID is 39, so the GEOIDs of all Ohio counties begin with 39.

ohio_ref_US %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1)

Notice how the ADI of each county varies depending on the reference population provided. This map allows the viewer to visually compare and contrast Ohio counties based on an ADI calculated with all US counties as the reference population.

However, also notice that the above two maps are not completely comparable because their color scales are different. Each time ggplot draws one of these maps, it sets the color scale by setting the lightest color to the lowest ADI in the data set and the darkest color to the highest ADI in the data set. The data sets that were used to create the two maps above have different minimum and maximum ADIs, so between the two maps, identical colors do not stand for identical ADI values.

In order to remedy this, we need ggplot to set its lightest and darkest color to the same ADI value for each map. This can be accomplished by adding the limits argument to scale_fill_viridis_c(). The limits argument is a numeric vector of length two; ggplot associates its lightest color with the first number and its darkest color with the second number.

The following code reproduces the two maps above with the same color scale, making them comparable:

# Contains grid.arrange(), which allows for side-by-side plotting of figures

color_range <- range(c(ohio$ADI, ohio_ref_US$ADI))
# This produces a numeric vector of length two, containing the lowest and
#   highest ADI value among the two data sets. This ensures that the full color
#   range will be used while keeping the scales the same.

ohio_plot <-
  ohio %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1, limits = color_range) +
  labs(title = "Reference area: Ohio Counties")

ohio_ref_us_plot <-
  ohio_ref_US %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1, limits = color_range) +
  labs(title = "Reference area: US counties (+DC & PR)")

  nrow = 1,
  top = "2017 ADIs of Ohio Counties"

Notice that there is a middling effect on Ohio ADIs when all US counties are used as the reference population; this implies that Ohio counties are neither among the most deprived nor the least deprived in the US.

Advanced users: extracting the factor loadings

Advanced users interested in the details of the principal components analysis used to obtain the ADI values can obtain the factor loadings of the measures involved. get_adi() utilizes psych::principal(), which provides factor loadings that are then stored as an attribute of the tibble or sf tibble that get_adi() returns. This attribute is a tibble called loadings.

The following code accesses the factor loadings for the ohio ADI table created above:

attr(ohio, "loadings")

Warning about missing data and sample size

Calculating ADI values with a reference area containing under thirty locations is not recommended. The user will receive a warning when attempting to do so, but ADI values will be returned nonetheless.

While allowing flexibility in specifying reference populations, data from the ACS are masked for sparsely populated places and may have too many missing values to return ADIs in some cases (i.e., too much missingness for imputation). When this happens, the data that could not undergo imputation is accessible via rlang::last_error()$adi_indicators and the tibble of raw census data is accessible via rlang::last_error()$adi_raw_data. The former may have fewer rows than the latter because areas with zero households are excluded prior to calculation of the ADIs.

For example, ADIs cannot be obtained for the two block groups in Kalawao County, Hawaii because there are only two of them, one of them having zero households:

get_adi("block group", state = "hi", county = "kalawao", year = 2017)

When working with ACS data, it is crucial to know when to use the ACS1, ACS3, or ACS5. See

Lastly, the main dependencies of sociome (the tidycensus package and the Census API) are ongoing, evolving projects. Users may encounter errors having to do with the growing pains of the Census Bureau standardizing its syntax and tidycensus accommodating these breaking changes. Generally, until any significant changes to tidycensus occur that break backwards compatibility, any errors encountered when using get_adi() are a result of flaws in the Census API.

Grant information

The development of this software package was supported by a research grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging, (Principal Investigators: Jarrod E. Dalton, PhD and Adam T. Perzynski, PhD; Grant Number: 5R01AG055480-02). All of its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

NikKrieger/sociome documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 9:47 p.m.