microbiomeFHIR - turn a patient's microbiome OTU data into FHIR



The microbiomfhir package allows the conversion of a patient's OTU table into a structured FHIR DiagnosticReport. At this point the package only supports the import of phyloseq objects.

Planned features

Installation Instructions

The package is currenlty available via GitHub


The package has, among others, the following requirements:


Let's use the package's built-in function to collect an example from Levi Waldron's excellent curated Metagenomic Data ressource.

pseq <- load_example()

Here is a glimpse at one of the OTU table profiles. We can see the patient identifier as the column name. Each row represents a taxonomic unit (from kingdom - Bacteria down to many species).

otu_table(pseq)[,1] %>% head(30)

We can simply export the patient's OTU table into a FHIR DiagnosticReport:

parse_json(pseq, file = here("output/my_first_microbiome_fhir_report.json"))

We can take a closer look at out output JSON file.

Without more data, the function currenlty makes multiple assumptions

readLines(here("output/my_first_microbiome_fhir_report.json"), 150)

NiklasTR/microbiomefhir documentation built on June 23, 2019, 2:06 a.m.