Man pages for NorskRegnesentral/rSPAMM
Population dynamics model for harp and hooded seals

build.PandFConstruct time varying fecundity rates and birth ogives
downloadDataDownload Repository Data
eq.quota.helper.DInternal helper function for finding equilibrium quota
eq.quota.helper.N1Internal helper function for finding equilibrium quota
find.eq.quotaMain function for finding equilibrium quota
find.N70.quotaMain function for finding N70 quota
ilogitInverse logit transformation - type 1
ilogit1Inverse logit transformation - type 2
load.dataLoad and prepare data
load.initial.valuesLoad initial values
load.model.objectLoad the population model for harp seals and hooded seals
logitLogit transformation
model.resultsGet results from optimized population model for harp seals...
N70.helper.DInternal helper function for finding N70 quota
N70.helper.NmaxInternal helper function for finding N70 quota
par.tableCreate table with key parameters from fitted population model
PBRFunction for finding PBR quota
plotCatchPlot the reported catch data
plotFecundityPlot fecundity data
plotOgivePlot birth ogive curves
plotResPlot estimated population sizes from optimized population...
plotResCatchPlot the model results and the reported catch data
run.modelRun the loaded population model for harp seals and hooded...
NorskRegnesentral/rSPAMM documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 10:58 p.m.