vaeac_get_full_state_list: Function that extracts the state list objects from the...

View source: R/approach_vaeac.R

vaeac_get_full_state_listR Documentation

Function that extracts the state list objects from the environment


#' @description The function extract the objects that we are going to save together with the vaeac model to make it possible to train the model further and to evaluate it. The environment should be the local environment inside the vaeac_train_model_auxiliary() function.





The base::environment() where the objects are stored.


List containing the values of norm_mean, norm_std, model_description, folder_to_save_model, n_train, n_features, one_hot_max_sizes, epochs, epochs_specified, epochs_early_stopping, early_stopping_applied, running_avg_n_values, paired_sampling, mask_generator_name, masking_ratio, mask_gen_coalitions, mask_gen_coalitions_prob, val_ratio, val_iwae_n_samples, n_vaeacs_initialize, epochs_initiation_phase, width, depth, latent_dim, activation_function, lr, batch_size, skip_conn_layer, skip_conn_masked_enc_dec, batch_normalization, cuda, train_indices, val_indices, save_every_nth_epoch, sigma_mu, sigma_sigma, feature_list, col_cat_names, col_cont_names, col_cat, col_cont, cat_in_dataset, map_new_to_original_names, map_original_to_new_names, log_exp_cont_feat, save_data, verbose, seed, and vaeac_save_file_names.


Lars Henry Berge Olsen

NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.