NVIpkg <- params$NVIpkg
NVIpkg_inline <- paste0("`", NVIpkg, "`")
NVIpkg_code <- "/tree/main/R"
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Thank you for considering contributing to r NVIpkg_inline.

r NVIpkg_inline is one of several packages assembled under the name NVIverse, a collection of R-packages with tools to facilitate data management and data reporting at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI).

NVIverse packages

# library(NVIrpackages)
knitr::kable(x = NVIrpackages::NVIpackages)

How you can contribute

There are several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a question, propose an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or contribute code.

Ask a question

Using r NVIpkg_inline and need help? Browse the package help to see if you can find a solution. Still problems? Post your question in R-forum at workplace or contact the package maintainer by email.

Propose an idea

Have an idea for a new r NVIpkg_inline feature? Take a look at the r NVIpkg_inline help and r paste0("[issue list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues)") to see if it isn't included or suggested yet. If not, suggest your idea as an r paste0("[issue on GitHub](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues/new)"). While we can't promise to implement your idea, it helps to:

See below if you want to contribute code for your idea as well.

Report a bug

Using r NVIpkg_inline and discovered a bug? Don't let others have the same experience and report it as an r paste0("[issue on GitHub](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues/new)") so we can fix it. A good bug report makes it easier for us to do so, so please include:

Improve the documentation

Noticed a typo on the function help? Think a function could use a better example? Good documentation makes all the difference, so your help to improve it is very welcome!

Functions are described as comments near their code and translated to documentation using roxygen2. If you want to improve a function description:

  1. Go to R/ directory in the r paste0("[code repository](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, NVIpkg_code,")").
  2. Look for the file with the name of the function.
  3. Propose a file change to update the function documentation in the roxygen comments (starting with #').

Contribute code

Care to fix bugs or implement new functionality for our_package? Great! Have a look at the r paste0("[issue list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues)") and leave a comment on the things you want to work on. See also the development guidelines below.

Development guidelines

If you want to contribute code, you are welcome to do so. You will find a description of the code conventions, which have been used, in the vignette "NVIverse code conventions" in the package NVIpackager. A summary of the principles and style convention used for NVIverse-packages is given below.

Although not expected from all contributors, it will be highly appreciated if you also are willing to suggest:

Git commit standards

We follow the commit message style guide maintained within the angular.js project.

The start of commit messages should be one of the following:

Do not capitalize the first letter.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This document is adapted from a template by @peterdesmet .

NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 10:41 a.m.