Man pages for Novartis/CellSIUS
CellSIUS: Cell Subtype Identification from Upregulated gene Sets

CellSIUSCellSIUS: Cell Subtype Identification from Upregulated gene...
CellSIUS_final_cluster_assignmentFinal assignment to unique clusters
cellsius_find_bimodal_genesIdentify genes with bimodal distribution
cellsius_find_gene_setsMCL clustering to find correlated gene sets
cellsius_get_cells_per_subclustGet cells per subcluster
CellSIUS_GetResultsSummary of CellSIUS results
CellSIUS_plot2D visualization of CellSIUS sub clusters
cellsius_print_summaryPrint Summary
cellsius_sub_clusterAssign cells to subgroups
cellsius_test_cluster_specificityCheck whether the subset of genes are specific to one cell...
Novartis/CellSIUS documentation built on June 4, 2019, 12:01 a.m.